Musicians Wanted


teh shredz0r
Instead of making more individual threads (like I was just about to do), post your ads for musicians you need for your band/project in here.


Pandora seeks Keyboardist and Vocalist.

Progressive Metal based in Sydney, Australia. PM me for details and samples of current workings.

There isn't any music up on the Myspace yet (for a reason which I won't go into, you will all find out soon), but feel free to check it out and add us as a friend or get in contact through there.

Cheers, :rock:

I already posted something similar on the good old MySpace bulletins but things tend to survive for all of about 15 minutes there before they're buried beneath a deluge of quizzes and "nupix omg cmmnt plz" so I'll give it another dig here.

I'm looking for a guitarist or bassist to form an acoustic duet. Would also consider a percussionist with decent vocals. The idea is to predominantly play covers with a twist mixed in with a few originals as the mood takes us, and to play a few small gigs around Sydney moreso for fun than anything else. I've already had a few expressions of interest but nothing sounding too serious yet so anyone else who's interested drop me a line. I just bought an acoustic bass which can be borrowed as well.
you do realise that the acoustic bass is not going to keep up with the guitar volume wise, especially if it's a 5er. Much better off having a bassist playing electric through a small combo/head & cab setup.
I don't see any reason an acoustic bass would be any more wanting than an electric one when plugged into an amp, plus when running unplugged (buskers unite :rock:) it would easily sound louder than an electric one. For what I want to do with it there's no contest really.

It's surprisingly loud for what it is as well. One of the reasons I went with that particular model (Ibanez AEB-10) is how loud and ballsy it sounded unplugged compared to others in the approximate price range. I'm not a bassist by any means but I liked what I heard and that was enough :).