Musicians who support Bush

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
Besides Billy, can you think of any other musicians who support Bush? I came up with:

Ted Neugent
Phil Anselmo (Pantera, Superjoint Ritual)
Zakk Wylde (Black Label Socioty)
Jeff Hanneman (Slayer)
Dave Mustane (Megadeth)
and all the country music artists, except the Dixie Cunts.

Are there any other? I think they should all get together and make a pro-Bush album, to combat the shitty "Rock Against Bush" albums.

Pete Steele said he like the prez, and Tripp from (the horrible shitty turd of a band) Static-X is very right-wing.

Oh, and Kid Rock! :p

Dave neither demo or rep, he said he didn´t like Bush (or Clinton for that matter). But it was an old article. He has stated though that he hates people talking shit like in the music industry and people who vote on their idols supposed opinions.
Never thought I would say this but Lars Ulrich said something intelligent once about the difference in US/Euro politics:

"I consider myself pretty open-mind-ed. I can't break down my politics into a particular party. There's more to it to me than just Republican and Democrat. A core problem in American politics and society, to me as an outsider, is that everything in this country gets broken down into a basic choice. It's yes or no, Republican or Democrat, black or white, gay or straight. It's all either/or. Where I come from, there's, like, 13 political parties. There are so many more answers, ways to look at things.


But some of the politics stuff . . . every time I think I have an answer, I find I have doubts. That definitely comes from being European. Most Americans will jump on an issue -"Do you like this or that?" "I like this." End of story. If someone asks me a question at a band meeting, everyone else will immediately give their opinion. I'll go into a 15-minute drawn-out discourse."
For some reason remington...............Your signature made me laugh out loud till I fell on the floor

Hamster, Dave Mustain and Lars, there are right about the things they said.........politicly speaking of course...................
Cryptkeeper said:
I only listed Mustaine because I read an interview where he condemed all the anti-Bush bands.

Okay, well I like his outspoken attitude, and I agree with him and think a lot of his lyrics have things to say. From what I have read about him and what he put in his lyrics he has always been critical about the government and world order and stereotypes. I myself can´t see any perticular political leanings in his lyrics but he has writen at least one that have things to say about Bush sr, "Forclosure of a dream". Well one thing, many songs are very anti-militaristic, and that´s usually considered leftist to write about.

"Peace sells..." (about being a politically aware person, even if you have long hair and play in a metal band)

"Mastermind" (how the world is getting more computerized, not pro or against just his thoughts)

"Symphony of destruction" (about as political as lyrics/poetry could get)

"Mechanix" (no... not really... it´s silly) :p

What I would like to know is how many of the songs are about MetallicA, if you read through them most of the songs could be bitter rants about Lar$ and Jaym$ if you belive every selfproclamed Megadeth-expert. And if that was true Dave should find some part in the Bible that talks about not being bitter!
Arg_Hamster said:
Okay, well I like his outspoken attitude, and I agree with him and think a lot of his lyrics have things to say. From what I have read about him and what he put in his lyrics he has always been critical about the government and world order and stereotypes. I myself can´t see any perticular political leanings in his lyrics but he has writen at least one that have things to say about Bush sr, "Forclosure of a dream". Well one thing, many songs are very anti-militaristic, and that´s usually considered leftist to write about.

"Peace sells..." (about being a politically aware person, even if you have long hair and play in a metal band)

"Mastermind" (how the world is getting more computerized, not pro or against just his thoughts)

"Symphony of destruction" (about as political as lyrics/poetry could get)

"Mechanix" (no... not really... it´s silly) :p

What I would like to know is how many of the songs are about MetallicA, if you read through them most of the songs could be bitter rants about Lar$ and Jaym$ if you belive every selfproclamed Megadeth-expert. And if that was true Dave should find some part in the Bible that talks about not being bitter!
Also the newer songs, The World Needs A Hero and Blackmail The Universe are very political. But I don´t really know where he talks about Metallica...
Arg_Hamster said:
Okay, well I like his outspoken attitude, and I agree with him and think a lot of his lyrics have things to say. From what I have read about him and what he put in his lyrics he has always been critical about the government and world order and stereotypes. I myself can´t see any perticular political leanings in his lyrics but he has writen at least one that have things to say about Bush sr, "Forclosure of a dream". Well one thing, many songs are very anti-militaristic, and that´s usually considered leftist to write about.

"Peace sells..." (about being a politically aware person, even if you have long hair and play in a metal band)

"Mastermind" (how the world is getting more computerized, not pro or against just his thoughts)

"Symphony of destruction" (about as political as lyrics/poetry could get)

"Mechanix" (no... not really... it´s silly) :p

What I would like to know is how many of the songs are about MetallicA, if you read through them most of the songs could be bitter rants about Lar$ and Jaym$ if you belive every selfproclamed Megadeth-expert. And if that was true Dave should find some part in the Bible that talks about not being bitter!
I too, like his outspoken attitude. His lyrics are very well written. "Symphony of Destruction" is a great song, about corrupt politicians, but I'm not sure if it's about anything.
johnnieCzech said:
Also the newer songs, The World Needs A Hero and Blackmail The Universe are very political. But I don´t really know where he talks about Metallica...

Exactly, according to some people each and every song is about how he got kicked out. I´d say 72% is about his MetallicA-days (sidenote: Irony)
NOFX are outspoken, idiotic turds who support Kerry. Since they are such dipshits, this is good for Bush. Ergo they are helping Bush indirectly and against their will!

God bless,
Dave Mustaine spoke out strongly against Kerry yesterday, at the same time saying one of the few intelligent things on the subject by telling people "Don't vote for Bush because I'm voting for him. Don't vote for Kerry because you hate me."

Of course, he proceeded to undermine his own credibility with the following: "You see Al Jourgensen of MINISTRY going around saying 'Fuck Bush.' And I've always liked MINISTRY but I know that guy has a legendary drug problem so you can't really take what he is saying seriously."

Tripp from (the horrible shitty turd of a band) Static-X is very right-wing

The problem with his right wing-ness is that it is too extreme. He's an Ayn Rand-style right-winger, and I used to be one of them until I realized how bullshit it was (and because it was irreconcilable with Christianity, but mostly because it was bollocks)

God bless,
Sepsis said:
The problem with his right wing-ness is that it is too extreme. He's an Ayn Rand-style right-winger, and I used to be one of them until I realized how bullshit it was (and because it was irreconcilable with Christianity, but mostly because it was bollocks)

God bless,

I guess Tripp is more of a neo-liberal. It´s hard to put someones political stance on just a left-right scale (it´s also about how to organize the decision level: individual basis or more organized as in government and corporations).

I can understand some of the neo-liberal ideas, people should be allowed to make business where and how they want. But it´s hypocritical because most of they don´t like the idea of private police-forces and military units.
Sepsis said:
Sweet! I had an inkling.

I think that Pro-Pain would be pro-Bush too.

Saturday nights Cooper concert ended with 2 roadies, one dressed as Bush the other Kerry, dancing. doing some funny hip hop moves as Coop played Elected, and at the end of the song Bush ripped Kerrys shirt mocking the whole Janet Jackson ordeal.