More on Bush from Scott

Ahoi fellows,

I don't know about you but I actually saw Anthrax perform with Dan Nelson back here on the Serengeti Festival and well I didn't actually realize until some days later that the akward thing I felt about the gig was that it was just like any other great Anthrax show I've seen before, I've banged my head constantly, the vocals were tight and yeah that guy can definetly sing! It was great! He might not acted very much on stage and didn't interact much with the fans but ey who the fuck needs that when while banging your head the only thing you see is a blur of your own or someone elses hair? That show was as a metal show how it should be without to much talking just correctly sung and played.

Dan Nelson definetly deserved some more shows AND the chance to have that record released with a proper promotion and if they would have been a little bit smarter and had it with them already on that festival it would have been a powerseller for sure.
My friends and me who wittnessed that show are definetly really sorry for Dan and would which that any doubts Anthrax might have about that record would vanish and give the us - the fans - a chance to judge it ourselves!:kickass:
Scott is always saying something:

Here is what he said when Dan joined the band. Dan was Bush on steroids but now Bush is better than Dan???

In a recent interview with Banned Promotions, new Anthrax singer Dan Nelson ? whose voice was previously described by Scott Ian as "like [previous Anthrax frontman] John Bush on steroids"

Scott on the reunion taken from Blabbermouth. The band is better and tighter than ever during the reunion but now Bush is better????

"This reunion has become bigger than the five of us. The band is tighter than ever and we are so strong musically as well as personally that nothing could stop us. It really feels like we are riding on a wave. I can feel the excitement all around us and the support growing every show. I know that people were skeptical of this reunion and some still are. I challenge you to come see us and then see what you think. People shouldn’t judge or speculate about something they have not had any experience with. And as far as the future goes, we will be able to tell you all about that very soon. . . I can only imagine how great [the upcoming European tour] will be. The gauntlet has been thrown Europe. You better represent!!!!"

I agree bush is the best singer but Scott is going to say whatever works for him at the time and never thinking of anyone he pisses on along the way.

Bush needs to take the one show and run. Tell them to fuck off and dig themselves out of their own grave they made!

I'm not saying it's an awesome thing to do but he pretty much has to say super positive things about the current line up. He's deffinately not gonna say "We lost our best singer ever. But we did get a new guy who doesn't fill his shoes."
he's gotta PR that shit
I'm not saying it's an awesome thing to do but he pretty much has to say super positive things about the current line up. He's deffinately not gonna say "We lost our best singer ever. But we did get a new guy who doesn't fill his shoes."
he's gotta PR that shit
