Muso In A Bottle Lyrics


New Metal Member
Jun 27, 2004
OK. For all you Penetrator fans that have been e-mailing me requesting the lyrics to Muso In A Bottle here they are.

Muso in a Bottle
Lyrics by Maxel Black

You- Muso in a bottle told what to do
Drowning in the brew
You- wasting in your pain
Shrew is taming you
Music’s turning blue

I wanna know now, is it over?
Tell me rock star, tell it’s true
Tell me the truth muso in a bottle

Verse 2
Now- your glory days have passed
The runes of fate been tossed
The magic still remains
You- muso in a bottle
Should have made it big
Crying in your beer

I wanna know now, is it over?
Tell me rock star, tell me the truth

Running around with every whore in town, running wild
Demon gin and hanging out, running wild
Whoring around with every hag in town, running wild
Beer belly hanging out, running wild

Verse 3
You- zombie shit faced
Wife screams disgrace
What’s a man to do?
Now- studio’s a bar
Could have been a star
Pissed it all away



Running wild Repeat
You may print these words out for your own enjoyment only. Not to be used anywhere without written permission from the band.
Hey man. You really captured the life of a few of the Musos I once knew.
Many followed the road towards distruction. Drank away their careers because they were pussy whipped or just too high all the time!
I can relate.
You sound like you know a few too!