Must share metal


Fantasy Football Genius
Jul 3, 2004
Right behind you!
I was wondering what some of your fav groups are that aren't super popular. I'm always up for checking out new groups.

One of my fav groups is Agent Steel. You may remember them from the 80's. They put out a few records, and they were one of the groups on the old Hit Parader cassette that 'Eyes of the Night' was on. Their lead singer, John Cyriis, is quite the wack job! where he talks about chatting with inter-dimensional beings! And he used to do those screams that only dogs could hear!

Their new singer, Bruce Hall, is outstanding. Personal favs are 'Avenger,' 'Illuminati Is Machine,' and their cover of Judas Priest's 'Beyond The Realms Of Death.' The first two are available for free download at

Anybody else have any obscure bands to share?
Aias said:
I was wondering what some of your fav groups are that aren't super popular. I'm always up for checking out new groups.

RIOT, by far! :worship:
I'm a fanatic when it comes to them...
Too bad they have such a crappy website and haven't visited Europe since 1999. :erk: I also don't understand the DiMeo thing, first he was sort of out of the band, then denying it. :err:
Whatever it is, they're still very high on my "must see" list. Man, seeing Panzer with them would be too much to handle! :headbang:
I've seen Agent Steel (with Helloween) their singer is funny. Goofy stage prescene..but not cool gooy like Helloween. They are the masters of happy, fun, and well played goofy metal.

And is for a band...they are'nt obscure, but they certainly are one of the best power metal acts around. Grave Digger! :D

Check out Rheingold, The Grave Digger, or Tunes Of War for some excellent power metal with balls.
Anybody on this board ever hear Toxik? Their "Think This" CD is one of my all time favorite underground metal albums. They were a great progressive/thrash/power metal type band with Geoff Tate type vocals, INSANE shredding guitar solo's, and some seriously intense double bass drumming! The song "Machine Dream" has one of the best shred solos ever IMO! Toxik's first CD, "World Circus" is kind of weak though because they had a different vocalist who wasn't very good and the production was rather thin. But "Think This" is a masterpiece!
Odd, when I think Agent Steel, I don't think "happy" at all...Their first two albums are Speed Metal masterpieces, and their new stuff is pretty fucking awesome as well. Especially Omega Conspiracy.
SickBoy said:
RIOT, by far! :worship:
I'm a fanatic when it comes to them...
Too bad they have such a crappy website and haven't visited Europe since 1999. :erk: I also don't understand the DiMeo thing, first he was sort of out of the band, then denying it. :err:
Whatever it is, they're still very high on my "must see" list. Man, seeing Panzer with them would be too much to handle! :headbang:

RIOT rules! I agree the website sucks. I can't tell you how many times I emailed the webmaster there telling him that RIOT needs to play the NY/NJ area but he said the record label ONLY gives them $250.00 per/gig.

I'm partial to the Rhett Forrester stuff myself:cool: A friend of mine became close to Rhett so I'm biased and I often wonder what would have become of him musically had he not been shot and killer :cry:

I think Rhett had that certain something as a frontman and could have become (imo) one of the best.

Saxon rules too! but they NEVER get any respect over here.:err:
Well all the bands named are great so far. My second favourite band of all time is Therion, they make some of the best symphonic metal. And it's not corny like some of the other bands, they actually have some really intelligent songs.
As for US Metal I would also mention Helstar, one of my favorite bands yet still lacking the recognition they deserve IMO.
Technical heavy/speed metal to its best :headbang:
I just got into Zandellle- US Powermetal!


What are you calling their first album? I think they had something out before Twighlight but it was a pretty rough demo on Sentinel Steel?

I'm not sure, I just got into them.
Kutryer said:
Sorry for bumping an older thread. but FUCKING YEAH!!! Helstar owns, I'm actually good friends with the lead singer :hotjump:

I've only heard one Jelstar song. I think it was "Hellpike" or something like it. I had it on an old 'speed kills' cassette. I could never find any of their stuff.
There are a tons of great underestimated bands and some of them are high on my fav list.DoomSword,Lord Weird Slough Feg,Lost Horizon,Paradox...etc. etc.