Carl Pants

New Metal Member
Dec 12, 2012


An ancient secret of authoritative wisdom, passed down from father to son. A choice to be made by a few……. That would come to hold all the power.

I’m talking mustache.
(Mustache! Mustache! Mustache!)

Tom Selleck, he’s got a great stache. Can’t nobody fuck with him. Except for maybe Burt Reynolds … goddamn, his is bad ass too.

Geraldo Rivera? Say what you will about him. But the secret to his fame resides right under his own nose.
Chuck Norris…. It’s the fuckin’ MUSTACHE, MUSTACHE, MUSTACHE!!!! Mustache of mass destruction, that’s a double MD
Albert Einstein, the greatest genius of our time discovered that E=Mustache2.…’s simple math… that guy from Cocoon, Freddy mercury, Hitler and Wyatt Earp….. All had mustaches….

Mustache!!! Mustache!!! Mustache!!!!

Hulk Hogan, what does mustache mean to him? I’ll give you a hint… it starts with a “must” and ends with an “ache“.

“The thing that made Alex Trebek‘s career, for $100“
“What is mustache?”

Borat has a ridiculous stache, it’s out of control. Our friend Cap’n Crunch has a superior nautical stache. Dick Van Dyke, Gerald McRaney, Carlos Santana, don’t forget about “what about earl”…. don’t deny it, it’s a bad ass one too. Ted Turner, Ron Jeremy, Richard Pryor and Robert Goulet all had mustaches…. Coincidence?
I think not!!!!

once again, please and thank you for checking it out! :D
fuck, sorry guys. i feel like a doucher. i posted this is the wrong part and now can't figure out how to remove it. i'm sorry! i'm new, i had no idea. whoops.
hahahahah ok!!!! here it is...... }:

fuck yeah...... i look like wyatt earp and shit..... time to take my pants off..... oh wait, i already did that.