Mustaine whinges again.. this time with responses!

Ceydn Dave still has a point. He doesn't like the edit. Thats his point. It makes complete sense about why he doesn't like it: he feels it doesn't accurately represent him and shows him to be a whinger about something which happened twenty years ago. I think Dave would see himself as an honest individual and he believes thats not the light he's been cast in.

The question is whether he has the legal right to be able to stop the footage. It looks like he can't. Thats the real issue here.

To say something about Mustaine as you did in the first post in saying he doesn't have a point is completely idiotic. The inference in the topic title (Dave whinges again) basically is true but also says that he's doing it in a bad way. It's a persons right to be able to say their opinion on how they're shown. There's nothing wrong with disagreeing in how you're shown. He wants to be able to show himself as he seems himself to the public. It has nothing to do with anything to do with what has/will happen between Dave and Lars. It's all Dave and how he's shown. Metallica have done it on many occasions in the past and I'm yet to see you comment negatively on them. It's almost as if you're dogging Dave.

Dave makes complete sense.

But whether his opinion makes any difference, is another story.