Mustaine's latest nonsense

Just when I feel like I'm gaining more respect for him, he goes ahead and drowns it all in that same torrential rain/flooding he talked about.

"Don't throw your shoes at me..."

He makes it hard not to.
I don't think it's funny. I think it's an ignorant idiocy that some morons still choose to carry on. But hey, let's not get all political here... :lol:

The way I see it, it's a lot more healthy to laugh then get angry. If I got angry about all the nonsense he and his ilk spewed, I'd probably have a heart attack.
God, I remember back in '88 or '92 when MTV was covering the presidential election and they had Ted Nugent covering the Republicans (obviously) and Dave Mustaine covering the Democrats.

After "United Abominations", I decided I was going to ignore Mustaine's political rants, because they make no sense.
So I posted that link to my Facebook page, and shortly after, someone else posted this:

To the ignorant people who are making insults against Dave Mustaine, you are most likely the same people who have NO clue as to what is going on in America...or the world for that matter. I hate to break this to those of you living in fantasy land, if you research what your government has been doing to the american citizens within the last decade especially you'd think about what you're saying. Why is it hard for people to believe their government is evil? They're ALL evil. Those who cannot see this....go back to playing Warcraft or whatever it is you play now.

...I wonder if he was talking to me? XD

Leave Dave Mustaine alone!
Wow, what a nut. I thought he had been acting pretty normal over the last few years, too! The crowd got really quiet when he started getting crazy too.
This goes beyond politics. I'm all for a good political debate, but whenever this crazy conspiracy stuff comes up (whether it's birthers, truthers or whatever Dave is on), I walk away. In this case, I've stopped buying Megadeth albums, even though I hear the last couple were pretty good. I can't separate the man from the music.
This conspiracy shit doesn't even bother me nearly as much (although it IS insanely stupid) as what he's recently said about gay people and Africans.

Dude's a moron.
God, I remember back in '88 or '92 when MTV was covering the presidential election and they had Ted Nugent covering the Republicans (obviously) and Dave Mustaine covering the Democrats.

After "United Abominations", I decided I was going to ignore Mustaine's political rants, because they make no sense.

I remember when that record came out, a PR guy (I believe) for the UN basically debunked Mustaine on all of his arguments in a statement, and Mustaine just went "hurr durr I'd rather feel right and be wrong feel wrong and be right." Everything that comes out of his mouth is feces.