Mutant E.P.


Huge Member
Feb 13, 2008
Hi there everyone, I need somebody to buy me the EP, I cant go to any of the UK dates so..... I will pay for it, through paypal, the shipping and everything. Please? Anyone? :)
I can probably sort that for you if you want, if they still have any left by the Leeds date.

Let me know, PM me or something.
I heard the clips earlier and had to send them a message telling them how fucking kickass it was. I'll definitely be buying it!!

Ol, seems like you were right. They've delivered the goods!
Just looked up this band on iTunes.... great musicianship! BUT THEN..... the singer opened his mouth. *shudder* Not something I'd wanna hear for more than a few seconds.

Not "into" that high pitched screaming stuff, closest I get is Warbringer, maybe At the Gates when I'm in the mood lol