Question about the VIP Package and Paypal


Jun 10, 2008

I hope someone can help me. I ordered the VIP Package in the first moment I saw it and at this time there still wasn't that box to change the size. Can I do this afterwards?

the second thing is this: Paypal wanted 40 Euro. But it had to be 40 Euro + shipping. And now I read there are 40 Euro + 10 Euro shipping to pay.

Is there a mistake so I maybe won't geht the package? I'm a little bit confused. I wrote already to but I don't get an answer.

I'm so happy about this VIP Package and I want it sooo bad! So I hope there will be everything right...

i've also ordered the full package. I've selected the size from the panel. If this wasn't available when you ordered, i think that the only way to select the size is to write to the "sales" address (as you already did correct?). The full cost of the package is 50 euros, because it includes the 40 of the package and 10 of shipping. In my receipt i saw this details...unfortunately shipping isn't free :)
I'm also waiting for the package...stay grey! :rock:

Yes, I already wrote to the sales adress but till now there wasn't an answer. Maybe because a friend of mine ordered it and not I by myself? I write them again with all the details from the paypal order.

Yes, 40 Euro + shipping. But paypal said it' only 40 Euro. This is why I'm a little bit confused. I don't want that there is a mistake and I won't get the package and be the loser at least. :waah:

But by the way, a great thing this package... :OMG:

stay grey too!