
our unix contractor just put this up on ebay:

Are you a writer with a writers block. Do you need a great story to write. This is your big break!!

This auction is for access to my life story. I have led a very interesting life with a lot of funny stories to tell. I think that the right Author could write my life story and create a best seller. The winner of this auction gets access to a wealth of great stories from my life. My life is not only book, but could end up on the big screen as a great comedy as well. We will negotiate later on profits from sale of book and movie.

The winner of this auction only gains access to my life story, we will negotiate how we will split earnings from future book of movie sales.

I have been to 8 colleges, I've had over 40 different jobs, I have had some of the most bizarre things happen to me, most pretty funny. You'll have acces to friends and relatives who have great stories about me. This needs to be in print!

Please email me any questions on samples of my life experiences.