my roommate has bought me a one-way ticket to crazyland.


Aug 20, 2002
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:confused: :confused: :confused: :cry: :cry: :cry: :eek: :eek: :eek:

so i've been studying for the gre lit. my roommate is unemployed right now and gets REALLY hyper when i get home and won't leave me be, even when i'm studying. i never ask her to shut off/turn down the tv, because i can focus with it on, but she SINGS and CHANTS and acts generally very silly and very LOUD. for example, last night she sang "beans beans the magical fruit" for like a half hour straight (and in a russian accent). i asked her to stop, i left the room, and like she continued!! LOUDLY. this has been the story of my life for like, two weeks.

the story of my life SUCKS.
that's sort of inconsiderate... but did you tell her you were serious?
my roommate hasn't gotten a job either! poor dude.
yes! i think i have made it very clear that her behavior is not cool but she just laughs at me.

i feel like i have an older brother with tourette's or something.
Russian accent? Have her come over to our place, and we'll sing it back & forth cuz I do it in a bad German accent! My roommates are Polish, maybe they'll join in and we'll have a giant Eastern European/Ukrainian round thing going on.
My room-mates actually bugged me just by living. Of course that was my fault for being to easily annoyed, but I know where you're coming from. Now I don't have room/mates, which kicks major ass.
my old roommate used to drive me NUTS when i was trying to read. like, he'd come into my room and ask me questions over and over again and yell. i got industrial orange crazy earplugs and put them in in front of him. they literally blocked his voice out entirely. they ruled and cost like $1.
Not a bad idea. I live across the street from a fire station and a bar, and when the fire trucks/alarm calls aren't blasting, the bands and drunks in the bar are. My roommate says he uses earplugs, but he also recently said he wouldn't be able to sleep from the noise his computer makes if he left it on overnight as a server.
Originally posted by chupe666
...but he also recently said he wouldn't be able to sleep from the noise his computer makes if he left it on overnight as a server.


oh, and my roommates (wife and kid) are pretty cool.

(just thought i would throw that in so you wouldn't think i was trying to perform thread rape.)
my roommate is so quiet it's hard to tell when he is there and when he leaves. he also keeps me company when i don't feel good. his cat is pretty quiet too but she eats anchovies.
luckily i had the apt all to myself last night because she never came home! WOOT WOOT!

i have to say, my roommate has her good points, like cooking for me a lot and walking the dog when i have class. not to mention being able to watch "the new guy" with me every night.