My $64 Metal Haul + $90 movie haul

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
... all new...

Hellhammer- Apocalyptic Raids 1990
Judas Priest- Painkiller (upgrading to the remaster)
Kreator- Endless Pain
Trouble- Psalm 9
Trouble- The Skull
Trouble- Run to the Light
Venom- Black Metal
Yes- Relayer

Planet of the Apes
Beneath the Planet of the Apes (never seen)
Escape From the Planet of the Apes (never seen)
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (never seen)
Battle for the Planet of the Apes (never seen)
Erik the Viking
Wes Craven's New Nightmare
2001: A Space Odyssey (never seen)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Running Man
Total Recall
Q- The Winged Serpent
Escape from New York
Odyssey (never seen, the TV movie)

Yeah, Tower is having 'thousands and thousands of CDs for $7.99' and 'All VHS tapes 2 for $10' sales... and most of the metal selection at least has come down from $17-$19 to $14.99... looks like they are clearing a lot of stuff out.

Hopefully it'll all still be there when I'm next paid. your thoughts on that Hellhammer CD. I remember a friend buying that probably like 12 years ago.......and I thought it was fucking horrible. If I recall, it featured the worst vocals I've ever heard!!
Hellhammer- Apocalyptic Raids 1990

Don't remember this - prolly never heard it. Hellbastard was kickin'.

Judas Priest- Painkiller (upgrading to the remaster)

After the tepid "Ram It Down" this was a godsend.

Kreator- Endless Pain

Cool but damned raw - "Terrible Certainty" remains my favorite by them.

Trouble- Psalm 9
Trouble- The Skull
Trouble- Run to the Light

Good, far from great... but I should get it on CD, too.

Venom- Black Metal

Venom ruled.

Yes- Relayer

Can't take Jon Anderson

Planet of the Apes
Beneath the Planet of the Apes (never seen)
Escape From the Planet of the Apes (never seen)
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (never seen)
Battle for the Planet of the Apes (never seen)

Like many franchises, they get progressively worse.

Erik the Viking

Has its moments.

Wes Craven's New Nightmare

No idea. Craven sucks imo.

2001: A Space Odyssey (never seen)

This is much, much better on the big screen... but it's better to see it on TV than not at all. I imagine it was a total mindfuck back in the day.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Eh. Coulda been better, coulda been worse.

Running Man

Has its moments, but mostly terrible... but you're into wrestling, so I can see why you dig this.


Very disappointing.


Good fun.

Total Recall

Kinda fun. The ending is hilarious.

Q- The Winged Serpent

Whoa ... you bought this? Wow. You're a better man than I.

Escape from New York

A classic!

Odyssey (never seen, the TV movie)

Don't know what it is offhand.




Truly excellent... and to this day, I'm afraid to go in the ocean. I'm gonna sue that bastard Spielberg.

Yeah, Tower is having 'thousands and thousands of CDs for $7.99' and 'All VHS tapes 2 for $10' sales

I don't have any Towers near me. Closest I think is in Boston, like 90 miles away. Woe is me.
Originally posted by jageorge72 your thoughts on that Hellhammer CD. I remember a friend buying that probably like 12 years ago.......and I thought it was fucking horrible. If I recall, it featured the worst vocals I've ever heard!!

Oh yes. Oh yes.

Frickin HORRID.

Amusing though.

Saddest drumming I've ever heard...

... and those vocals... just making puking noises a lot of places, without actually, you know, enunciating anything.


I've been told the reason I don't like it is because I'm 'not metal.'


Noise must have been hard up for bands to sign Hellhammer, that's all I have to say.

Either that or Noise was created as a practical joke, which would also explain the treatment the bands got on the label, haha.
Yeah, Noise were real idiots, I guess Sanctuary Records take up that tradition now...
By the way, I think Celtic Frost are highly overrated. There is not one single album I can get into. They are just boring...If Switzerland, then Coroner or newer Samael.