My 7 year old singing Safe Home


Jul 15, 2002
In between
I'm sittin here listenin to WCFYA - Safe Home to be exact - and I get up from the PC to check on the kids and I hear my daughter in the bathromm singing along to the chorus! It was SO cool! My little girl singing along to Anthrax. *sniff, sniff* A moment to treasure forever!
Phxthrax said:
I'm sittin here listenin to WCFYA - Safe Home to be exact - and I get up from the PC to check on the kids and I hear my daughter in the bathromm singing along to the chorus! It was SO cool! My little girl singing along to Anthrax. *sniff, sniff* A moment to treasure forever!

That rules brother! A proud moment indeed! :Spin:, my nearly two year old daughter has started singing abit, and I think she may have learned it from me singing along with the entire "We've come for you all" album. So I'm not sure which song she is trying to copy yet, but it sounds great!


Little GregadetH just rips on "Superhero" he only knows the chorus, but belts it out like a madman.
His faves to sing are 'Peas sell, but who buys it?" and "Whoa, amber is the color of your injury" It's just cute to see him singing the wrong words and then yell at me for singing the right ones.

This little dude falls asleep to metal. We couldn't get him to sleep as a baby, unless we played "Don't Cry - Alt. Lyrics" off of Use your Illusion II. His fave store is Hottopic so he's gonna be a headbanger....

I miss him. :cry:

At the airport, he threw up the horns to me....that got strange looks from my very religious in-laws. :loco:

\m/ -GregadetH
That's all great stuff. My little 21-month-old likes the occasional White Zombie and a little Metallica here and there. He starts doing a little dance thing whenever i say "rock and roll little buddy?" I try not to over-expose him as I want him to like whatever he's gonna like without my heavy-duty influence, but, alas he's already into some metal, Spider-man, the Hulk, and football, and baseball.

Oh, and he likes to bang his head.
my boy will be two on Aug. 1st, and he just loves the new Anthrax album. Whenever I play contact/WDD, he gets his fist in the air and does this little pump thing/wave deal. It is pretty cool.
one man stands said:
my boy will be two on Aug. 1st, and he just loves the new Anthrax album. Whenever I play contact/WDD, he gets his fist in the air and does this little pump thing/wave deal. It is pretty cool.

WOW, my baby girl will be two on Aug. 7th this year. She also(Alivia) loves the new Anthrax album. This is the same girl that bouched around in my wife stomach whenever Tool: Lateralus was being played.


My 5 year old son sings along to Anthrax's "Indians." He actually asks me to play it for him. I guess I played it so much in the car after my brother sent me the Collection cd...
I'm proud of him! Next, I'll introduce him to the John Bush era! Heh!
i was playing the new anthrax cd & my 5 yr.old nephew came over 2 visit & the song "think about an end" was on & he told me he liked my new song & he started banging his head to the music.he told me that hearing this song made him want 2 play the 4 wheeler game.he'll tell me anything just to play that game lol
Yeah, once lil Greg was playing ATV OFFROAD FURY on ps2 and said "Hey Daddy, They're playin' Anthwax! You play dat in tha car!"
His review of W C F Y A is the best one I've ever heard......"That's cool. Not transformers cool, but metackila cool."

Meaning, thats as cool as the metackila...err....metallica cds, but I still want more transformers.
Young metalheads... there is hope!!! My girlfriend's old roommate's toddler was acting up a few months ago, so I put on the Maiden Rock In Rio DVD and he was giggling, bopping, and dancing. Did me proud.
I guess when Pat Benatar wrote "Hell Is For Children", she was referring to 'the devil's music'!
:rock: :rock: :rock: