safe home acoustic version


freelance jackass
Feb 12, 2005
does anyone have an mp3 of this ?

i started jamming with a dude down here as a duo and i want to try and learn this song in this arrangement because we are acoustic. it's on napster but you can't buy it (which i'd be more than happy to do) you can just listen.

i aready own 2 copies of wcfya (u.s and japan versions) and the safe home and taking the music back singles so i'm not just trying to just get free tunes.

i'd like to try and rock the local starbucks here with some anthrax thats all :rock:
well since this is turning into a starbucks thread, my local barista made me a crunch berry frappachino today. damn was that good. like drinkinga huge bowl of captian crunch

captian crunch, captain crunch, he's inviting you to munch
captian crunch, captain crunch, munch a bunch a munch a munch !!
thank you very much sir :kickass:

if your ever in nashville i'll buy you a crunch berry frappachino.

now i guess i have to learn it