Thoughts on Safe Home Solo


New Metal Member
Anyone else feel like the solo for Safe Home feels like Fade To Black. Not saying that Charlie is ripping it off, far from that! But I truly feel that it is just as powerful! Absolutly beautiful! The best solo from Anthrax ever!

Kid's, I cant tell you how much I love this album. After paying $40 for it, I feel like I got a great deal!. This is a master work!

I am sure hoping that radio will hit Safe Home, this song could be huge if just given a chance. Let's hope some music directors out there have some balls and taste!

Long live the mighty Anthrax!!!!!!!!! :headbang:
I totally agree........after all of the hub bub about getting a good lead guitarist (which, in Rob, they did!) and the guest work from Dimebag, Charlie goes and busts out the best solo on the album!!!

Good work Chaz............
Superhero said:
Doesn't Scott play lead guitar?

No. As far as the solo goes, I really like it, and I really like the song. But, I would take the solo in Fade to Black over Safe Home any day of the week. Don't get me wrong, I love Safe Home (and the solo), but it's no Fade to Black.
The solo in fade to black is without a doubt a kick ass solo and i think it is probably the best song off lightning.

I just feel that the safe home solo fits like a glove into the rest of the song a bit better than fade to black. Not by much though.
wullief said:
I just feel that the safe home solo fits like a glove into the rest of the song a bit better than fade to black. Not by much though.

I was just thinking... Do you think this because Safe Home's solo is in the middle of the song while the solo in Fade to Black is at the end? I mean, do you think it fits better because the chorus comes in again after the solo, whereas Fade to Black just fades out with the solo? Just a thought...
Fidochippy said:
Kaiyan, where can I get the acoustic version? That sounds very cool!

It's a bonus track on the Digi Pak version of the album. The acoustic version is fuckin sweet.
Oh, sorry, I'm not Kaiyan...
ive been looking about for the single! no luck. shit how much is it to get from N.B? I heard so many shit things about them from you guys I`m sceptical in ordering.