Safe Home


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
I'm listening to Safe Home right now - it's brilliant! A cross between Harms Way and Catharsis (the ending part), the chorus is so fantastic and catchy, all the new bands can eat its shit. If this song doesn't get massive airplay then there's something wrong with the world today.
Also there is a great guitar solo, which I believe is played by Charlie.
I have not heard one song from the album, mostly because I don't know how to do anything on this computer. I surf and buy shit on ebay, and thats about it. I dont know how to do mp3s or anything like that. Man I'm pathetic...
cincy,go to the thread"anyone want new songs" and email slick and he will give u a link

u will laugh when u see his website

and just right click on the songs that are shown and save target as

have fun
Originally posted by mrthrax
just heard it,ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it kicks catharsis in the ass big time,i detect a acdc+the police influence!

You're right with the influences. I can't stop listening to the new songs. Hope Cincy soon hears it and creams his pants :lol: