My 8" Bell Sample! Tell Me If Theres Anything I Could Do Better


Thrashin' With Pashin'
Feb 19, 2011
United States
Okay, i made this a few weeks ago and decided to share it with you guys to see what you think. This is my first ever drum/cymbal sample that i make. Please Tell me On what i can improve, that would be awesome :kickass:

The bell is totally awesome im seriously in love with it, its a Meinl Classics Medium Bell Cymbal, it is 8 inches. I recommend this bell for sure.

This is it:

Please let me know what you think! Again this is my first sample. :rock:
You could stick it in Carlos' Kermy and sample it again!:goggly:

Seriously... sounds good dude. :rock:Isn't there already a thread on this 8" bell?