My 9 year old brother...


Mr. Pibb > Dr. Pepper
Apr 12, 2002
Bay Area, WI
wants to take my cd to school but my parents won't let em cuz it's to dark and evil and stuff :Smug: . I guess he sings along to my songs and shit. It's kind of cool and disturbing at the same time. It's awesome he likes it and that it's making him want to play guitar and get into music, but at the same time I'm not sure a 9 year old kid should get into what I'm writing simply cuz I think he's to young to actually understand the whole idea I'm trying to get across with the album. But to date nothing encouraged me more than to here this.

Also I met one of my sisters friends tonite at her b-day party. She's cool as hell. I'm kind of excited about that. Of course I'll find a way to screw it up and it'll go no where (I tend to do that). Such is life.

Also, I'm slightly intoxicated. :wave:
Corrupting kids?
I gave a friend the idea to give cigarattes to little kids outside of a preschool, then I stood and watched him do it.
I also got one of my friends to give a napalm death CD to his 7 year old brother...
corrupting kids is fun!
dude my sister was playing 'paranoid' on the drums in her cover band when she was 8 months pregnant. you gotta start em young you know?
anyone see that clip of Tony Royster Jr.'s drum solo when he was 12???

pretty fucked..not only the fact that his a monster technique-wise, but the fact that he has amazing groove is just as startling if not moreso.

But then again there's the unfair of advantange of being born black and having Dennis Chambers as a teacher.