I talked to some girl this summer just cuz she seemed cool. Now I guess I'm supposed to want to fuck her because I talked to her. All her friends are all pissy at me cuz I don't want anything to do with her other than be like friends and shit. That's fucking retarded. I'm not physically attracted to this chick in any way. But yet cuz I talked to her a couple times this summer I supposed to want to nail her. That's stupid. I guess I'll just not talk to anyone of the opposite sex unless I want to fuck them. Fuck, I had to leave a bar tonite due to the tension from her bitchy friends (well, I didn't have to but I didn't feel like dealing with every other one of her friends giving me shit about this). Fuck all that shit. I'm quite pissed off right now. One of her friends even said she was going to kick my ass because I didn't want to screw her. FUCKING RETARDED!!!!!!!