another story from the bus


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
there was this creepy as fuck middle-aged guy who basically would make a point to talk to each of the twenty-something girls who would sit in the seat opposite him and tell them his entrie life story which consisted mainly of being stranded in a shelter, having his car stole by a junkie, and working at wal-mart. or something along those lines, i tried to ignore him as much as possible. Things got all weird though when you added in the tough homey lesbian who proceeded to enter into the conversation between this guy and the first girl he was talking to and she started talking about the tattoo and piercing place she goes to and i learned from overhearing her loudly talking about a new penis piercing the kid;s are getting these days called a "Jacob's Ladder."

And did I mention she was a homey? She started sharing stories with the girl behind her about some "bitch who was eight times the size of her" whose ass she kicked. And also talked about friends of hers in jail and all other weird shit which interrupted my attempt at sleep.

And then the creepy dude started talking to them about Wal-Mart again...
I was on a bus. Opposite to me, sat this middle aged guy who was, for some reason, fundamentally creepy. Then, an old friend happened to be there and I found out why the guy managed to look oily in spite of good personal hygeine.
It seemed that sometime after he hit an able-bodied 40, his foster mother died. This left him homeless. For two months. He had tried everything, but run completely out of ideas when it turned out his biological mother had a massive heart attack and couldn't put him up. Thus, he began running down a list of mutual friends who might put him up... but all of them had nearly died. His last comment before giving up and getting off was to me and related to how absolutely wonderful the messenger bag clearly overstuffed with my personal belongings would be for a poor man rendered homeless by the death-like states of his mothers and friends.
To add to the fun... said bag belonged to my friend, who used to be homeless herself and had a chip on her shoulder about charity abusers.