the woman in the cube next to me has narcolepsy


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Apr 11, 2002
Where you live
her computer just started making that noise where you hold the shift key down forever- it beeped for a solid 15 seconds or so. like she dozed off and her fat head did a nose dive straight into the shift key.
The only good thing about this is that she can't speak to me when asleep. She seems to like to just go up to people as they are working and start talking to them like she's known them all her life. I avoid this situation by not making eye contact and never replying to anything she says.

In the middle of a staff meeting last week she says:
"A little trivia?"
we all look at her
"How many zeroes are there in a septillion?"
we all look at her
"24! Isn't that crazy?"

Also, she doesn't hear well so she makes people repeat things 5 times and speaks with somewhat of a lisp/garbled deaf person kind of voice. She's also like 3.5 feet tall.
Oh Lord that reminds me of my timeat the Library of Congress. Every stereotype you've heard about gov't workers is 100% accurate based on my purely anecdotal experience.

Here's what made me quit:
"I've noticed you've been using up all your vacation time, and you really should consider saving it up...cause it's cumulative for as long as you work here, and it means you could retire early!"

"...Well I started working here straight out of college, and figured 'Well, I'll just do this til I figure out what I want to do', and then I turned around and it was 30 years later! Go figure, huh?"