there is a baby in the chair next to me right now


"the best footwear in the world"

I just get pissed off when people trash talk slippers and sweatpants. what the hell do you have against comfort!?
I bought myself a bathroom scale finally a couple of weeks ago, and everyone has mocked me ever since. they're all like WHAT ARE YOU SOME KIND OF CHICK? even though my chick roommates didn't own scales and cursed me out for getting one.
Originally posted by VangelicSurgeon

"the best footwear in the world"

I just get pissed off when people trash talk slippers and sweatpants. what the hell do you have against comfort!?

I am wearing those right now, I shit you not.
They are amazingly comfortable.
I also have on blue, jizz stained sweat pants I haven't washed in metal.
slippers = foot sweat.
i dont wear sweatpants only because they never fit me. instead, i wear running pants or pajama pants with pictures of foxes on them.
see, we have the opposite problem. we have 6 radiators that are pumping dry, evil heat 24 hours a day. i walk around mostly in a wife beater and pajama pants, begging for mercy in the africa-hot termpatures of my apartment. we go so far as to open all the windows and turn on fans... mid winter....
if i wore slippers my feet would probably shrink and disappear ultimately.