My Allans Music/Joe Satriani experience


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Nov 6, 2003
Right now, Joe is exchanging words with, and signing memorabilia for his Brisbane fans at the city Allans Music store in Brisbane. However, I am not allowed to be one of them.

My objective was to document Joe's meet-n-greet session in its two-hour entirety. In anticipation of his arrival, I positioned myself close to the podium which was crowned with an aura of Ibanez JS guitars.

Joe's San Francisco DVD was playing on a widescreen, and the line of fans was long, but not overwhelmingly so. Chatted with a few folks up at front, including the security guard. Happened to mention Dimebag Darrell and what, how and when it happened.

After a moment, I moved back and out of the way and began to write a list of questions to ask Joe, when one of the guards came up to me and asked me to leave my bag near the entrance. We walked over, where there was another guard standing with a grim face. He was soon joined by a third, who began interrogating me as to why I am here, where I'm from, what do I do, why am I jotting notes and so on. Realising what was going on, I fully complied with their requests and allowed them to go through my bag. Then the manager of the store came up and asked them who they thought I was. They said "he seems to be just a fan", to which he told them to kick me out. All eyes were on me as a guard escorted me out of Allans and down the stairs.

It has been one of my most humiliating experiences ever. While I can understand why they reacted the way they did, I am disappointed they didn't give me a chance to even stand in line after establishing I wasn't a dangerous lunatic out to harm Satch. I have been waiting over 10 years for a moment like this, only to have it stolen from me so callously. Still, I'd rather give that up than see any harm come to Joe.

Lesson to be learnt: do not utter Dimebag's name at a guitarist meet-n-greet event.
That is completely ridiculous.

Since when does mentioning Dimebag mean you're going to pull a gun on Joe Satriani. Jesus. That's fucking retarded. Man I'd be so pissed off if I was you, they have no right to do that. Surely that's breaking some kind of defamation law.
Kem said:
Since when does mentioning Dimebag mean you're going to pull a gun on Joe Satriani. Jesus. That's fucking retarded.
What angers me is security read the questions for Joe I'd jotted down, had a good look through my bag's contents, and nothing out of the usual was in there. Regardless, the store manager (Robin Christophersen) came up and told them to get me out of the place.

Allans have given off uneasy vibes every time I visited the place over the last eight years. Some of the staff exude undertones of indifference, even arrogance, towards their customers — something I'd never try at my workplace.

Man I'd be so pissed off if I was you, they have no right to do that. Surely that's breaking some kind of defamation law.
I will look into this soon. This is something I'm not going to let go.

BTW, the concert was fantastic, but the crowd had more shitheads than usual, fucking up the fun for the others.
There's no kind of defamation law to stop a store manager moving someone on. In fact, all stores have the right to ask people to leave for any reason whatsoever. It would be interesting to find out exactly why they asked you to leave however. They could have construed that you were somebody from the press. Still, it's odd behaviour.
plattopus said:
I can totally see it from their side... and unfortunately, you're on private property so they can kick you out whenever they want.
Too true. It's not hard to see why they thought I was up to something dodgy, it's only that they kicked me out after giving me the all-clear I'm not happy with.

But damn... talk about your over-reactions!
I didn't over-react, mate. In fact, I was quite muted through the whole thing and should've raised a little hell, in retrospect.
Even though they had the right to kick you out, it doesn't mean you can't complain. I suggest you complain. At least attempt to give them a bit of bad press or something. Or just ring them up and ask what the deal was.