My band from Manchester in the UK - Searu!


New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2013
In December we went into a studio in Manchester to record our first song 'Circulate', we have gigs all over Manchester and Cheshire coming up the next few months, also a festival in Newcastle. We are recording an EP soon to release at one of the gigs, and then a full album release for September at a gig we are headlining. Very eclectic style of music taking influences from bands like Opeth, Pantera, Lamb of God, Mastodon, Textures, TesseracT, Meshuggah and really a fuckton of other bands. I mention those because in Circulate you can see the influence a lot. We would be absurdly grateful if you would listen to our track on soundcloud, give any feedback you have, and please like our facebook page also as we dont want to fuck around being some token sunday band - we want to make this happen.