My band is recording our demo tonight and this weekend.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Starts off with a Winger cover, then the next 3 songs have been described as "Janet Jackson pretending she lived the life of Tito" by one of our friends. It's gonna be great! :Spin:


Okay no, but I don't know how to describe our sound. It's like rockin' stoner type stuff, but then lots of weird shit like mandolins and keyboards and some other I dunno crap. I guess I'll post an mp3 in a few days. Yeah.
Nah, this has nothing to do with my Are Slacquer bullshit, my guitarist likes that shit and my singer doesn't, so yeah. :loco:

First song done and I'd have to say it ROCKS. It's like a normal rock song for the first 3 minutes and then for the last minute or so it's this mellow freakout thing with like tons of hidden vocal tracks and reverbed guitars and a nice droning bassline thingy going on, very trippy.

Band is called Version Seven (shitty name, but our songwriter likes it so it stays, who cares), album will be titled No Way, Fish Tank! (inside joke, to be explained at a later date). Jamming tomorrow with a potential drummer, then record some more, then like early next week I'll post up some mp3s. Some of you dudes should dig on it.

I shall soon enough, this is the only medium we have because nobody gave me the god damn mp3 of them shitz.

I think this one showcases what we have to offer, at first thought we're just some normal chodes doing some normal shit but all of a sudden BANG some ill shit at the end to display the weirdness we shall provide.

Ill songs to follow shortly, this is like our "hit" so to speak.
Like, here's an mp3 and crap: Old Creek.mp3

We jammed with a potential drummer today and it went extremely well, even wrote a whole new intro section to this song with some freaky weird bass shit. We'll be recording another song this week. Here's our latest band photo:


You know, to be completely honest- I didn't expect much when I downloaded this, but I have to admit that this is pretty fucking kickass! Good word dude(s)... I'd definitely be interested in hearing/purchasing some of this stuff later down the road.
Hey thanks fellers!

We sent it to Josh Homme, he said "I like it, now find a drummer." :Spin:
One Inch Man said:
Hey thanks fellers!

We sent it to Josh Homme, he said "I like it, now find a drummer." :Spin:

The next time you send anything to him for any reason, tell him that Max Johnson from Connecticut wants to have his children.

And Adrian, by the way- what sort of programming device did you use on this demo? It actually took me a minute to decide if they were real or not... PM me or whatever. I've listened to this about 5 times today, it keeps getting better and is currently at the "CSORE" level.