My band just released its first album!!


Sep 3, 2008
I'm happy to announce that, after many many years playing live, we have released our first album... and it feels great!

I was the one who tracked, mixed and mastered the whole thing. It was a lot of work but everybody seems to be happy with the results and that makes me happy too.

I have to thank you all. You are an amazing bunch of guys that do not care to share their talent. I owe you all a lot since this album wouldn't be possible without your help. Thanks a lot!!!

Any criticism is absolutely welcome. I hope you enjoy it!


Cool music, but I believe it´s not the kind of style that most people hear here. About the mix, those overheads are ear fatiguing.
Thanks for the comment, Nuno. Was wondering the same as you (music needs more br00tz maybe). Good call about OH. I had a hard time balancing them. Fortunately, it's something that does not translates in the entire album since every song is balanced in a different way.