My band mp3

Its ok. But the song lacks direction. It doesn't really seem to be going anywhere. I would also like some more melody, so i can sing along, if you know what i mean. But seriously: its pretty proffesional sounding stuff.
i think its pretty good, it has good structure and the transitioning is solid. but since it is a waltz and the beginning seems to want to introduce the waltz, it should probably be in 3 and not 4. the waltz meter seems to kick in at around 0:50. itd be easier to judge also if the levels were adjusted. the vocals seem to be to out in front. nice job though, its well written.
Romeo.jr said:
i think its pretty good, it has good structure and the transitioning is solid. but since it is a waltz and the beginning seems to want to introduce the waltz, it should probably be in 3 and not 4. the waltz meter seems to kick in at around 0:50. itd be easier to judge also if the levels were adjusted. the vocals seem to be to out in front. nice job though, its well written.

Thank you very much for your point of view, we do the first part in 4/4 to make it more "progressive" but it is interesting to do it al in waltz form, I will post soon other mp3 a little bit different, more progressive but with our Life Keeper Signature... Farewell
Wow. I loved the use of strings, organ, classical guitar, and cool vocal and instrumental harmonies throughout. The female vocals really gave it atmosphere and mood, and I'm not usually a fan of female vocals in metal. Nice job incoporating that.

The only two downpoints I can see: I agree with daimonion that the song lacked direction. It started to flow better during the second half, though. But I think you should really keep the structure how it is now - it's really interesting. And the male vocalist, while he's very good, annoyed me a little bit. Maybe if it wasn't way up in the front.
It was a little slow and dredging to me. Maybe if you tried an increased overall tempo, it would flow better. I wasn't impressed with the male vox - they were annoying, as OfSinsAndShred said.

Thanks for the listen though.