My band signed with Razor&Tie recently

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
Haven't posted in a while. Life has taken some crazy turns the past year. Went from losing everything it felt like to regaining my life again. Enough of that ish though.

My band signed to Razor&Tie(last year)official announcement today. We released our first single today. Hope you guys dig it! Figured I would share.

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So im curious: o

When you sign with a label, do you also have to sign a W2 form and all that since signing with a label you're considered 'officially' employed by that label? Or does a general contract cover all that?
Sounds good dude!
Snare tail is a bit long and maybe not that fitting for that style...maybe a bit too "brutal", if that makes sense.
Guitars and vocals sound great!

Songwise I think I liked the first one I heard when you posted it idea when that was though.

Bummer about Vanisher. Gotta rock the album again.