My band's first full length (mastered by Alan Douches)

Let it burn...

Orgasm Donor
Oct 22, 2007
Some of you might know that I play in this band called These Mountains Are Ghosts. We're releasing our first label full length in a couple of weeks which was mastered by Alan Douches of West West Side mastering (Converge; High on Fire; Mastodon; etc) and recorded and mixed by me at home.

Mix was done entirely ITB w/ the stock Logic stuff, Soundtoys Decapitator, Waves CLA bundle and Waves NLS on most tracks. Most of the guitar, bass and drum gear used was from the 70's (Laney Klipp; Ampeg V4 / SVT, pre-lawsuit Ibanez, Gibson RD's, old russian muff etc)

Comment away! :)
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