My band's first real mix, need honest opinions :)


Oct 7, 2009
Hi there, this is one of 11 songs of my band that Ive been recording and mixing over the past few months: the Hall of Screaming Skulls.mp3

Since I'm the only one I know who's versed in Pro Tools, etc. I'm just looking for any sort of constructive input from more experienced engineers. Don't be gentle either haha.

We're looking to make the most with what we have (ProFire2626 and pro tools 8 m-powered etc) before we send our stuff off to Oz for reamping and mixing; so we realize it won't exactly sound professional XD

Thank you all for listening, and I hope you enjoy the tune!


PS- I'm thinking I need to bring the snare up, and possible add more snap to it.
To me it seems to be lacking a lot of bass.
The guitars need to come up just a TAD.
And you should add some balls to the snare(Personal preference).

And definitely turn down the hi-hat if you can. Other cymbals sound great. Hi hat is a little distracting.

The snare could use a touch of reverb, as well.

Hope this helps!
I think the snare could use some more body and some reverb. I like the song and on my shitty headphones the low end sounds better now. I do think the clean vox could come down a bit.
Awesome :D

I did forget to turn the clean vocals down though /facepalm

I'll tack on some more verb to the snare too, there is some there already but I guess I underestimated.
Will also post another song in which I'm having issues balancing the acoustics and synth with the rest of the song.

The feedback is much appreciated!
you def. did a nice job boosting the low end on the second one. sounds much better. for the snare, i'd try messing with some parellel compression (and really exagerate it). also, on the compressed track, try boosting around 3kHz a few dbs and some reverb on that track only.