My Bands Instrumental Album Teaser thing...


Mar 14, 2011
Hey, this isn't a final mix (though I wouldn't mind some pointers where to go next!), though I thought you guys might be interested in hearing my bands instrumental album teaser! (Don't mind the poorly mixed bass drops at the end though).
I wish this could have more vocals but our vocalist is always busy, and finding a replacement would be impossible. We may just have to release it instrumentally...

Tell me what you guys think. Thanks for listening.
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Like the I Am Abomination vibe at some parts. Drums are iffy. Too much muffle on that snare. But it's a solid mix. Can't wait to hear the final work! EDIT: Drums sounds too fake IMO. Thought I should add that.
Like the I Am Abomination vibe at some parts. Drums are iffy. Too much muffle on that snare. But it's a solid mix. Can't wait to hear the final work! EDIT: Drums sounds too fake IMO. Thought I should add that.

Thanks. I definitely agree, the drums don't sound too good. If only I could get them to sound as good as the programmed ones on IAA's new EP!