Associating the tracklist with the album teaser


This is the tracklist of As the World Bleeds:

01. I AM
02. The Master Storyteller
03. Nailed
04. Hide in the Fairytale
05. The Gift of Music
06. 30 Pieces of Silver
07. Drown
08. Altar to the Unknown God
09. Light of the World
10. As the World Bleeds

After listening to the album teaser ( it is quite apparent that the teaser does not go in the same order as the tracklist. This is my best guesstimate of the song order in the teaser:

1 - [Unknown] (my guess would be I AM, since it sounds like a great album opener)
2 - 30 Pieces of Silver (noted from the lyrics)
3 - [Unknown] (my guess would be Altar to the Unknown God or As the World Bleeds)
4 - The Master Storyteller (a guess from the lyrics)
5 - [Unknown] (since it's instrumental)
6 - [Unknown] (can't find any particular connection to the song titles)
7 - Drown (a guess from the lyrics)
8 - Light of the World (noted from the lyrics)
9 - Hide in a Fairy Tale (noted from the lyrics and this video)
10 - [Unknown] (my guess would be The Gift of Music, since it's an awesome instrumental section, or As the World Bleeds, since it sounds like an awesome album finale)

What has really bummed me is that Nailed is already on YouTube and, since it was recorded live, you can't hear it very well, so I can't tell which song it is from the video! And I thought I was good at this. Here's the video, if you guys want to see if you can do better.

So what are your theories on which songs are which?
Well, I can say with certainty that the vocal recording is Light of the World, and the keyboard video with the celtic-y section is I AM.

As for the teaser:

1 - sounds similar to I AM from the other video, lets go with that
2 - 30 Pieces of Silver
3 - Possibly Altar to the Unknown God
4 - Possibly The Master Storyteller. If so, it'll be a pretty progressive song, since the one line from the demo teaser earlier this year "I am the vast volumes of knowledge spanning all across the earth" seems like it would be from the same song, but it's a much softer line.
5 - I'm thinking Nailed
6 - I'm thinking As the World Bleeds, as it has strong ties to Eschatology "...while the devil's masquerading as an angel of the light" (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)
7 - Drown....because, water
8 - Light of the World
9 - Hide in the Fairy Tale
10 - the only one I haven't guessed yet is The Gift of Music
Yo Fleshandbloodtheocracy, he doesn't say 'I am', he says 'Take my hand, oh yeah' Very hard to decypher, but it is there....
I hear " Oh take my hand, I am" It's really hard to tell though.
#4 is definitely I AM. It also matches with the second half of the "Thecocracy new song" video
(((I am the heart of the righteous desire and the fourth man you see in the midst of the fire
I am the giver of life and the promise of Israel
I am the hope of the lonely and lost in the blood running down to the foot of the cross
I am the breaking of chains and the tolling of freedom's bell)))

((I am long-awaited hope of Israel
I am longing sated, prophecy fulfilled))

(I am from the beginning of time, and I am sustaining the system of life
I am symmetry, reason and rhyme, and I am conviction that cuts like a knife)

I am the author of order and flow
I am the Father of Lights: watch me put on a show!

Here's my thoughts on the latest list, taking inspiration from Arkatox and FleshAndBloodTheocracy's lists and other's comments on I AM. Green means pretty sure, some are pure guesses though.

1 - The Gift of Music
2 - 30 Pieces of Silver
3 - Altar to the Unknown God ?
4 - I AM
5 - Nailed, probably? Listen to 1:20 of this, kinda similar?
6 - As the World Bleeds is a fair assumption
7 - Drown
8 - Light of the World
9 - Hide in the Fairy Tale
10 - 30 Pieces of Silver

I also tried to do the same for the old Theocracy III Demo. Thoughts? :)

0:00 - 0:07 - #10 - Master Storyteller? "tell the greatest story, He's alive!" -- #10 of album teaser
0:07 - 0:14 - #6? - (As the World Bleeds? -- "the giant is no longer sleeping"; see 1:01 - 1:07)
0:14 - 0:17 - #5 - Nailed? Sounds like part of the last 20s of the live video
0:17 - 0:24 - #8 - Light of the World
0:24 - 0:29 - #4 - I AM
0:29 - 0:32 - #3? - ("Fuel the fire and fan the flames" - theme of fire, like #3 ??)
0:32 - 0:37 - #2 - 30 Pieces of Silver
0:37 - 0:40 - #9 - Hide in the Fairy Tale
0:40 - 0:47 - #3? - (sounds like #3 on the album teaser?)
0:47 - 0:52 - #7 - ('Drown'? - sounds very much like #7 on the album teaser)
0:52 - 1:01 - #1 - (definitely sounds like #1 of the album teaser "percussion" very loosely alludes to 'the gift of music')
1:01 - 1:07 - #6? - same song as 0:07-0:14 "blindly we just carry on, before he is gone"
0:07 - 0:14 - are you sure it isn't "The dragon is no longer sleeping" again being an eschatological reference I'm associating with As The World Bleeds (see my above post: "...while the devil's masquerading as an Angel of the Light")
0:07 - 0:14 - are you sure it isn't "The dragon is no longer sleeping" again being an eschatological reference I'm associating with As The World Bleeds (see my above post: "...while the devil's masquerading as an Angel of the Light")

You're right, I'm pretty bad at making out lyrics sometimes :). Also, I'd agree it does sound fairly in tune with what you are thinking might be "As the World Bleeds".

I'll keep editing my original post so as to not repeat everything again.

EDIT - I've swapped around #1 and #10 on the album teaser list, have a look at the updated old demo index to see why.