My best ever IR (57,201,API)


Aug 2, 2007
I was mixing the Karybdis track yesterday and had a super clear sound for the guitars so decided to grab an IR.
This is by far the best IR I have made and will now be my go to for guide tracks.
6505 power amp (res6,pres8) >Rectifier cab>SM57 and M201 on different cones>API A2D>A&H Zed-R16 (to sum the 2 mics and for EQ).

I kept the EQ I was using for the mix so the IR is EQed and fully mix ready.
Just hi and lo pass to taste.

Zip contains 44 and 48K wavs.

Here is a test using TSE808>Lecto>Lecab.

Here is the mix using real amps (6505 left, Triple Rectifier right)

The IR guitars sound really close to the actual amp tracks.
Can't wait to hear how you guys get on with this. :)
Thread with the track used for this test
sounds tight, i'll try it out as soon as i find out how to convert it into AXE FX II format. thanks for sharng! :)
sounds tight, i'll try it out as soon as i find out how to convert it into AXE FX II format. thanks for sharng! :)

Axe-fx II IR: API MICKRICH - Axe-Fx II Impulse.syx

Axe-fx Ultra IR: API MICKRICH - Axe-Fx Ultra IR.syx

Enjoy! I think you will have to use fractal-bot to upload it to your Axe. I'll check it out later. Cheers for sharing. Tone sounds awesome.

Also I send you a message to your facebook page.
Axe-fx II IR: API MICKRICH - Axe-Fx II Impulse.syx

Axe-fx Ultra IR: API MICKRICH - Axe-Fx Ultra IR.syx

Enjoy! I think you will have to use fractal-bot to upload it to your Axe. I'll check it out later. Cheers for sharing. Tone sounds awesome.

Also I send you a message to your facebook page.

Messaged you back there Lorcan.
Thanks for converting it to Axe-fx
Me and Lorcan are going to make a killer Kemper profile pack very soon:headbang:

I also did a test with this IR on the Kataklysm cover from the Practice Room thread.
There is a section with just stereo guitars that will give a clear picture as to how this sounds.
TS808>Lecto>LeCab with sonnox hi and lo pass and a tiny cut at about 150.
Not too shab!

Funny - Bunch of my friends used to be in a band called Charybdis back in high school, most of them are now in A Distant Calm, which our own BLUElightCory recorded their last EP ;)
Thanks for sharing the impulse, sounds really nice and fits my mixes better than any other IR:s i have ever tried!
My latest mix using this IR:

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Here's a small test I have done this evening, thank you for this impulse! Sounds really mix-ready.

My guitar chain here is RandalSolar 2.1 (by Vadim) + Recabinet 3.5.1 with 57_201_API_MICKRICH impulse.
You can find this ampsim here.