My best mix so far.......?

At least use so there are none of those annoying as hell "enter this code and click 40links to get it"
Quite a lot of compression is the main thing, I know a lot of people say not to compress the kick, but it really helps with the punch.
Ahh nice one. Atm on my "trial" kick ive got....Drumagog, C4, Rbass and a L1 plus a bog standard EQ on the channel strip. The c4 has totally changed its sound. I havent used a bog standard compressor though because when I tried it made it sound like a ping pong ball haha! But the c4 is a compressor so still trying to get my head around compression. Its a simple theory yet it seems to be a difficult aspect for me to get my head round lol :p
Yeah Stee, sounds cool!

I would/could not say it's your best work ever, but it's right up there with the other clips you've done so far, really nice kick, guitars are teh crunchzorz, good mix!

Is your last name really Faust? because that is just badass..

Please let me know what you guys think. I know I always do covers, but I'm trying to find my sound before I start writing my own stuff. Thanks in advance.

How and WHAT a band is playing affects my aggregate 'vision' of how a band I'm mixing should sound (to me). Change the music but keep the template and usually shit just doesn't sound right.

Doing things like this is good for practice and helps you learn and utilize compression and EQ much more quickly, but the best way to find your sound is to track the shit and just mix the hell out of it! :)
Bob: Thanks man, and yeah it really is Faust.

CJWall: I know what you're saying, but I figure if I get the techniques down it will be easier when I come to mix my own stuff.

Fuentealba: Edit:- My default recording setup is in my signature now.

Seth Schwiet: Thanks for the comments about the guitar tone, I think I'm really getting to know what properties a tone needs to work well in a mix now.

Thanks for all your comments guys. Can anyone give more opinions on the drums?