My Best Mix Yet!! FTFD Style + Tone Match


Sep 5, 2009
Lansing/Ann Arbor, Michigan
The band I recorded is called From Rise to Ruin. They told me they were going for a FTFD feel, so I tried to match FTFD's tone (for Relentless)

Although Sturgis used kick 10, i just used kick 7 for whatever reason, other than that check the guitar tone and the bass and the EQ on the vocals! I think I nailed it pretty well.

We just finished tracking a couple hours ago, so I'll be posting with bits of change here and there in the next couple weeks!

Comments are appreciated, thank you!
bass needs more low, and guitar needs better carving IMO. I hear a little phasing going on with the guitars also. good writing though, I like the vocals, maybe needs a hi pass? or maybe a little more hi's? bass needs to brought out more, I like being punched in the face by some good ol' bassiness!
Is it phasing as GearMan pointed out or the guitars are getting slightly out of tune in the end?

I wouldn't turn up the snare, it's fine w/me, but there's one small thing that seems out of place - the reverse-like sounding synth or a cymbal in the last verse - it doesn't fit there, IMHO. Never the less, apart from the lack of a bit of bass guitar, the whole song is a really good mix - I like it.
The mix is lacking low-end. Guitars sound like they're phasing or out of tune. Cymbals could stand to come up, the reverse-cymbal hit at 1:00 is much too loud, too. At 1:36 it sounds like the vocalist is hockin' up a loogie.