My best mix yet!!!!!!

One middle track of a djenty tone I made in guitar rig 4
One set of left and right of a different tone in guitar rig 4. I found it a forum somewhere else
Another set of left and right with limiter> another tone I made in guitar rig 4.

Basically it is all guitar rig 4 with hours of tweaking. Pretty much all my mixes are guitar rig. If anyone wants these tones I can upload them.

Bass was TSE BOD> AMPEG> bit of EQ

Drums were Steven slate snare 13 and 3P with kick 10 (obviously), some other fat kick and another sample I made.
How did you eq the bass? I always seem to have a hard time making it sit right in the mix like you have done.
How did you eq the bass? I always seem to have a hard time making it sit right in the mix like you have done.

I second that! I noticed if i dont hipass filter my guitars, i have a bassy muddy mix. But when i do so, the bass doesnt glue in, and give a full sound
guitars were quantized really nice! add some verb to all of the drums and you would be in business. i would even go as far as to say send them all to a group buss and add the verb there. just to widen it up in the mix.
wicked man!
has a strong Periphery feel to it...

^i agree, and furthermore a guitar rig 4 preset compendium would be awesome since some of us are kinda lazy.... :)
Good mix and interesting song as well dude ;)

I see the result must be machine-like and it fits perfectly the atmosphere but maybe you could improve a little bit your drum programming by tweaking some velocities, "de-align" kick/snare here and there, stuff like that or maybe just add some weird sounds to punctuate. I've just listened to the track once, so... But I like it!
sounds like a rough pre-pro mix to be totally honest. like it was all recorded in an anechoic chamber......

get some vibe in there lover, you're very close! bass sound awesome but again, NO VOCALS so it's almost impossible to judge.

awesome song though, very awesome.
I will post a rar with all the presets this afternoon when I get home.

For bass, what I did is blended two different tracks within Ampeg. A really treble-y bass tone mixed with a deeper tone. I basically equed all low end out. I will find what presets I used for the bass within Ampeg because they were the stock tones, but I forgot what they were called.

And I agree, the drums are sounding a bit weak. They need a bit more verb for sure.
Thanks for the critisim guys. I think the mix just needs to sound bigger
sounds like a rough pre-pro mix to be totally honest. like it was all recorded in an anechoic chamber......

get some vibe in there lover, you're very close! bass sound awesome but again, NO VOCALS so it's almost impossible to judge.

awesome song though, very awesome.

sounds actually a lot like all these "modern" bands.
but yeah it's hard to judge without vocals since adding vocals makes the mix way more complex than it was without them.

still sounds really good!
thanks a lot man!

one question tough, is there anything on the master track or is it untouched?
i've been playing around w the presets for the past 10 minutes, damn good job! i never knew guitar rig could sound so awesome you have quite and ear. Thanks a lot for all your handwork it truly sounds amazing. one question though i loaded the killswitch preset and i noticed the cabs loaded are panned differently. is this implying that it should be a stereo track and not a mono track?
Yeah it is supposed to be a stereo track ^ I use it more as a lead rather than a rhythm.
No worries dude. Some of them I won't take credit for because I didn't make them but the others I did.
And I did nothing to the master track to the dude who asked.
I will post an updated track later in the week with the new mix.
Thanks dudes