My brow is knitted with perplexed confusion

Wingnut wants to secede
by kos
Tue Nov 9th, 2004 at 11:34:30 PST

What is it with conservatives and their neverending rage? They control everything, yet they remain angry, angry, angry. Was it Jon Stewart who called it the "anger of the enfranchised"?

This winger, for instance, wants the US to expel the Blue States: "Yet, there are 38 states today that may be inclined to adopt, let us call it, a "Declaration of Expulsion," that is, a specific constitutional amendment to kick out the systemically troublesome states and those trending rapidly toward anti-American, if not outright subversive, behavior. The 12 states that must go: California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maryland, and Delaware. Only the remaining 38 states would retain the name, "United States of America." The 12 expelled mobs could call themselves the "Dirty Dozen," or individually keep their identity and go their separate ways, probably straight to Hell."
I'm not sure why Oregon and Washington survive the cataclysm, or Minnesota. And does this joker actually believe they'd get to keep Hawaii?

I find it funny that anyone thinks this nation would survive as a superpower without California, Illinois, New Jersey, and New York. Where would they get the troops to fight their wars? The money to finance their wars? North Dakota? Nevermind the subsidies Blue States pay to Red States.

I also find it telling that one of the author's virtues of this new not-so-United States of America is that it would be "whiter" and "Christian". Another clue as to what the Right means when they talk about "values" (brown and black people need not apply).

In any case, considering that this nutjob's list contains 8 of the original 13 colonies, we're keeping the name "United States of America".

If he wants to leave the good ol' US of A, he can agitate all he wants. There should be a place where racist, xenophobic, bigoted, crazies can congregate and create a 13th century utopia, where such things as Democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom to live one's life absent government interference need not apply.

Ahhh, you've got to love the America hatin' wingers. (Via good ol' Atrios.)
I'm game.

I'm so increasingly disenchanted that Canada is a mighty attractive proposition, especially when confronted with articles like this at GOPUSA as introduced by DarkWindow:

Debbie Daniel And The Exit Polls Of Doom
It's no secret that everybody's trying to figure out exactly what happened during last Tuesday's election. Fortunately, we have our wise-beyond-years dear sweet precious Debbie Daniel to explain it to us.

"Thanksgiving came early this year. I'm ready for a big turkey dinner . . . a feast . . . a celebration! Americans prayed and God answered . . . just like He always does.

This 2004 election was a referendum on the decency and morals of the American people. Christianity was being tested and there was a point where we had to let go and let God take control.

I experienced this first hand on Election Day when I realized there was not a single thing I could do to ward off the misinformation we were getting from the network media exit polls.

They were absolutely manifesting situations that weren't happening, in hopes that we would buy into their propaganda and it would possibly make a difference in the outcome of the election.

I am absolutely convinced this is the case, but I couldn't prove it.

The exit polls were so far-fetched that I couldn't imagine what was going on. The media was determined to bring down the President and we could do nothing.

The frustration and helplessness I felt had just about consumed me with anger when I heard a still small voice speaking to me from a place deep in my heart saying, "Let go of it, Debbie . . . this is now in God's hands. There's nothing you can do."

Have we not seen a miracle?

We watched the network media "lose" to George Bush. It was as great a victory as the final countdown against Mr. Kerry. The look on their faces was a treasure to behold.

Unless I'm terribly mistaken, this will have a much more far-lasting effect than anyone can imagine. The network media's efforts were short of criminal in trying to sway public opinion with total untruths.

I hope in the days ahead they will pay a heavy price for what was done.

And the media certainly gave no credence to the "prayer warriors" of this great land.

When people started praying . . . God listened . . . and He answered. That gave us a tremendous edge in this election, and you can't discount the power of prayer.

The heartland bled for Bush and the numbers show it. Power to the people . . . they've spoken again. Is the network media listening?"
But if we planned ahead and thought things through, that would prove to the Great 38 that we truly are NOT real Americans!
I think it's easy to understand this sort of pathological hatred for liberals...the extreme right has developed a warlike approach to politics, and despite having control over nearly all apsects of federal government still require an enemy to complete their militant game plan. I'm sure Ashcroft's resignation will make them happy.
lizard said:
If he wants to leave the good ol' US of A, he can agitate all he wants. There should be a place where racist, xenophobic, bigoted, crazies can congregate and create a 13th century utopia, where such things as Democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom to live one's life absent government interference need not apply.
We should launch all of those krazy kristians right into their imaginary hell! (a.k.a. the sun)