My Chemical Romance

Damian B

Nov 8, 2007
So back when this band was popular a few years ago I dismissed them as just another terrible emo band with no talent. But, I just gave them another listen and I have to say I'm rather impressed. Their songs vary a lot depending on the album and whatnot, but they're all consistently well written. And despite his emo-ish nature, Gerard Way is definitely a talented vocalist.

Take this song for instance; it's so good. :headbang:
Helena... haha I remember Mtv playing that video 24/7. I hated them cause they were emo and werent METAL.. the usual. I actually liked their songs.. and I knew they were good and catchy, but my mind was playing tricks on me and I wouldnt give them a chance.
Thank god I got over that tr00 metal shit and I can enjoy music in peace :)
I remember trying to listen to that song and I just couldn't like it. It's actually pretty good now.
I think I just listened to the song more as a whole instead of picking out the parts, and the overall vibe I used to get was bad.
The Black Parade is a damn good album and anyone who disagrees is, to quote the ingenious Yahtzee Croshaw, pants on head retarded.

Great production too.
nice mix!
the music is still fucking gay :(

agreed… i gotta say, working in a club environment, i would leave the room and sit in the cellar anytime one of their songs came on…

anyone who's been to a rock club in the northeast and seen how some people react to their music will know what i'm on about…

so gay
you know what's gay?
using the word gay as an insult.

you know whats gay?
saying the black parade is gay

you know whats gay?
thinking the opinions of those who go to rock clubs in the northeast actually mean much.

pinks pretty gay too
I used to be one of those guys that would have dismissed anything because of the stupid fanbase, just a dumb emo band etc
The big turnaround was hearing Decode by Paramore in May this year. A chick friend of mine told me to listen to it, I had my doubts about her suggestion and figured I'd hate it, but nope, I got through the whole song and really liked it.
Since then I've started listening to VersaEmerge, another band with an emo image, but the music is amazing IMO and the production is sweet to boot on their most recent EP.
I also have to say MCR are quite good at what they do.
nah i just dislike the use of the word gay as an insult.
especially when its the black parade. the image is pretty "gay" if you wanna put it that way i guess, the music however is not.