My Chemical Romance

In that case I fail fucking hard, because I spent 70 AUD on the Deluxe Box set of the most recent Paramore album, and they are one of my most played bands on Last FM, sharing the last fm list with such bands as Meshuggah, Gojira, Nevermore, Cynic, In Flames, Opeth, Isis, Pantera, Death, Morbid Angel and all sorts of heavy as fuck and brutal bands.
I like Paramore, VersaEmerge, I take angled photos of myself, I have photos of myself posing in a mirror with emo girls and I rarely ever wear black and never wear band t shirts and you know what?
I'm still more brutal and metal as fuck than some people that claim to be obsessed with metal.
When you can have Paramore playing on your iTunes list when your friends come in and they call you a faggot for listening to it and you just tell them that you like whatever the fuck you like and that you wont turn it off to put Megadeth on because you're not in the mood for it, that's when you've truly become totally metal to my mind.
In that case I fail fucking hard, because I spent 70 AUD on the Deluxe Box set of the most recent Paramore album, and they are one of my most played bands on Last FM, sharing the last fm list with such bands as Meshuggah, Gojira, Nevermore, Cynic, In Flames, Opeth, Isis, Pantera, Death, Morbid Angel and all sorts of heavy as fuck and brutal bands.
I like Paramore, VersaEmerge, I take angled photos of myself, I have photos of myself posing in a mirror with emo girls and I rarely ever wear black and never wear band t shirts and you know what?
I'm still more brutal and metal as fuck than some people that claim to be obsessed with metal.
When you can have Paramore playing on your iTunes list when your friends come in and they call you a faggot for listening to it and you just tell them that you like whatever the fuck you like and that you wont turn it off to put Megadeth on because you're not in the mood for it, that's when you've truly become totally metal to my mind.


I listen to SunnO))), I'm far more brutal than nearly anyone on this board.
Yet I still find the time to dance around my room in my underwear in the morning singing to Paramore.
So fuck y'all :lol:
In that case I fail fucking hard, because I spent 70 AUD on the Deluxe Box set of the most recent Paramore album, and they are one of my most played bands on Last FM, sharing the last fm list with such bands as Meshuggah, Gojira, Nevermore, Cynic, In Flames, Opeth, Isis, Pantera, Death, Morbid Angel and all sorts of heavy as fuck and brutal bands.
I like Paramore, VersaEmerge, I take angled photos of myself, I have photos of myself posing in a mirror with emo girls and I rarely ever wear black and never wear band t shirts and you know what?
I'm still more brutal and metal as fuck than some people that claim to be obsessed with metal.
When you can have Paramore playing on your iTunes list when your friends come in and they call you a faggot for listening to it and you just tell them that you like whatever the fuck you like and that you wont turn it off to put Megadeth on because you're not in the mood for it, that's when you've truly become totally metal to my mind.

Yeah well they are sharing the stage with a fucking tone deaf rapper and AFI right now. Hailey has a fucking weird accent when she sings, like she is going over board on her O vowels for some rock cred. In fact My Chemical Romance does that shit as well. I'm not okay comes to mind when he say you wear me AHHHOOOUT!!! She also loves to end phrases unsung and yelled instead.

This trend of Metal brootz guys liking pop crap isn't anything new, bunch of college tools in my town liked Ashley Simpson when her shit was blown up. They to also thought they were individuals dividing from their clicks. When in fact, no they were indeed not because other mass pop absorbing people fallowed along with them. I say the people who don't fallow the trends are the ones who are the real individuals.

I take angled photos of myself, I have photos of myself posing in a mirror with emo girls and I rarely ever wear black and never wear band t shirts and you know what?
I'm still more brutal and metal as fuck than some people that claim to be obsessed with metal.

I almost shit my pants laughing at this. :lol:

I'm guessing your a little younger than me. I'm not giving you shit for it, I just find stuff like this pretty funny.

I don't look the part either for what it's worth. T shirt and Jeans is the way to go, cutting my hair like an average schmuck every few months.

FWIW I have (and said this before) given Paramore the benefit of the doubt and listened to Riot for a while and just can't dig it. I don't get the "she is pretty" thing either. She looks like a 10 year old school boy with a trailer trash haircut.

I have given the Black Parade a go as well and found it to be just plain BLAH.
I say the people who don't fallow the trends are the ones who are the real individuals.

Its pretty hard to ignore culture, its always going to be there, not following the trends is as much a stereotype as following them in the first place. Counter culture only exists within culture itself. A bit like satanism only really existing within christianity. You have to believe in it in the first place.

Metal does a good job of trying to opt out, but really it becomes a dick waving contest of who can opt out the most. As is indicative of this topic. Although some members obviously want the best of both worlds, not sure what they really want to choose.

Gotta have the metal credibility and the chicks right???? :lol:

Fuck it, its stupid and asinine.
im personally just going to keep genre hopping on an hourly basis

life is sweet when your favourite band changes pretty much every day