my comic strip


rabble rabble rabble
Apr 6, 2006
west midlands
meh, okay, so i just started on drawing a comic which will be the official comic strip for

the jist of it, as in the general attitude, is extreemly cynical, funny and pretty damn offencive, i plan to offend any specific group of people which takes themselves too seriously or i just generally think would be funny to mock.

reason for me posting this here is im just wondering if there are any groups of people, bands, pretentious 'net celebs', topics ect that you'd like to see torn to shreds in comic mode?

any suggestions would be welcome since its nearly 4am and im getting pretty tapped out, though, be warned, i already have a whole thing on attacking sponge bob, nerds(not geeks!), star TREK,eating disorders, a couple of stds, LOTR(the actors mainly) and blair witch.


meh, thats pretty over done to be fair. we do have a sceney type kid already though, he's there pretty much souly to get bitch slapped.

its just too easy to rip on the common hate. we wont be doing much with bush or any of that b/s either.
we will be going after the internet whores though, you know, the ones who think 'internet popularity' actually means something, XD.

also, chrispy cream....chrispy cream represents a great source of evil, lol.

also the strip, as of about 3am, actually has a name, :O.
well, main title and sub title.
main title is:
but the sub title will change every week in accordance to the strip, for example:
'MENTAL AGE: minus 3'
'MENTAL AGE: i know you are but what am i'
'MENTAL AGE: the best things in life are free?>cancer'

to be fair though, the name could easily change several times before the 1st strip is posted in just under 2 weeks time.
