My contribution to the audition

Lythranic said:
Just trying to get a hint of what you guys think... So give me coments...

I did the son Eaten (Of course) Im not completely satisfied with my performance but i am going away for a couple of days and this was my only chance of making it to the audition... So just tell me what you guys think and maybe ill send it to Bloodbath!

Your voice is pretty cool, but I think it's not professional enough.
It sounds as if your breath is not constant enough in volume, so there are problems on longer growls. And the articulation could be better.
Another thing is that your timing is not accurate enough. Your getting too fast.
Don't get me wrong, your growling is better than mine ever will be. But since it must be very professional for Bloodbath, that's my suggestion for improvement. But good luck anyway. :headbang:
Lythranic said:
Just trying to get a hint of what you guys think... So give me coments...

I did the son Eaten (Of course) Im not completely satisfied with my performance but i am going away for a couple of days and this was my only chance of making it to the audition... So just tell me what you guys think and maybe ill send it to Bloodbath!

Please take no offense on what I have to say here, im just giving my personal view on your vocals!

I find tone throughout most of the song to me monotonish....more so than a low end guttural growl should be. And to be honest, the growl doesnt sound that 'brutal' to me. Maybe its just the recording...but it doesnt.

In the end I feel that you are not really a better death vocalist than me even, and I wouldnt want someone to get the position who I could mimic perfectly. I want someone more professional and with more experience, that could inspire me to get better myself (much like Mikael and Peter have) BUT I am personally hoping they find someone from this that isnt that well known.

Thank you for wanting to hear what some other fans felt. I hope your not upset about what I had to say.
Not bad, really. You didn't seem to be able to hold a long growl, really. Although you did have a lot of distortion, I noticed your real voice showing through, especially on the high screams. I did like it a lot (you're way better than me) but it's not Bloodbath caliber, IMO.
You wanna hear MY GROWLS? I may not be able to join, but I could certainly tear the fuck up just out of raw brutality and uhh rawness... and such.

VENOM is the first song I ever recorded with growls, so it pretty much Sucks. I suck at growling still but I make up for it with vehemence. Nay, check out the newer song "BEWARE OF GOD"... It has better sound, picked up slightly better by the crappy microphone. I got better low-growls on there at some point. It's still pretty bad I guess, bad sound.. bad mic.. but I didn't use any "distortion" effect, just growled right into the thing.. woo.. Eh? Let me know what you think..
Did you even listen to the song or are you just spamming?
And I'm not annoying, I'm fukkin GR1M! You're just too much of a poser to realize that! No soup for you!
Just for my defence i would like to say: I only had one chance to record it, i did it in 5 mins then i had to go away... The growls would probably sound better if i warmed up and placed some effects in it, witch i dindn´t. And just for the record: Oink YOU SUCK!
Is it just me, or does everybody just focus on the deep growls and no articulation? ;D
I just heard your clip Lythranic, not bad at all. After reading the replies I thought it would really suck, but it doesn't. A bit more work on the screams though.

Still no thoughts on my clip :(((
There is always som effects used when recording vocals. Both Tägtgren and Åkerfelt uses them. I decided that i can do this alot better. So i will re-record it just as i get home... Meanwhile you guys can check put my band "Purgatorial Agony". The band where i am the "VOX man". I do higher pitch on thoose vocals. Check em out! And tell me what you think. I´m not the on doing the lower pitch though. Im glad you liked it Thornspawn Check out my band!

Från Norrköping!
Hey, THORNSPAWN....This is message just for you...and it will be on Croatian..hehe...Čuj, ajde da te malo prokomentiram...hehe...Po meni si najbolji od svih ovdje kaj su postali svoje 'režanje' i po meni bi zbilja mogao imati šanse...jedan savjet: probaj u cover ubaciti koji vrisak, ak si dobar u tome, moglo bi jako pomoći...I ak si zbilja ozbiljan u svojoj namjeri za vokalistu, onda fakat imaš muda ići živjeti u Švedsku...;-)) Ajde, probaj napraviti još koju verziju pa postaj...Pozdrav, pa se čujemo još na forumu...

For others: Sorry about language, but this mate is my country-fellow, and it's maybe suprise for him to see his mother language on this forum..:) And, if nothing else, good to see someone from my country Croatia...Cheers