My cousin now sings in Dreamtale

Hearse said:
Does he look like Townsend (with hair) aswell? :D
NAwh. He got all the talent and the looks in our family.

lumitalvi said:
What???? Jarkko you mean?
MY Jarkko also was thinking about it, but it wasn´t his "thing", heh. I believe I have mentioned this before.
But... whoa. Tell moooore! Has he just joined or?
I don't know shit about it, I just read this from Imperiumi.

Your Jarkko? Odd, I really belive the Dreamtale guys wanted this "high&loud" style.
Nice. does this mean we can't collectively hate Dreamtale's guts anymore? ;)
Windom Pearl said:
NAwh. He got all the talent and the looks in our family.


Jarkko.. your cousin?! Hmm.. ManowarJarkko.. :p He was my roommate in the army.. I´ve heard few of his songs.. Total crap!!!! :tickled:
tooled said:
Jarkko.. your cousin?! Hmm.. ManowarJarkko.. :p He was my roommate in the army.. I´ve heard few of his songs.. Total crap!!!! :tickled:
Yeps. Army...Riihimäki, eh? I think I would have come there at the same time had I gone to army.

I'm not that much into his songs either, except the one's he's done with his previous bands. However I do think he may be one of the best heavymetal vocalists in Finland.
Windom Pearl said:
Yeps. Army...Riihimäki, eh? I think I would have come there at the same time had I gone to army.

I'm not that much into his songs either, except the one's he's done with his previous bands. However I do think he may be one of the best heavymetal vocalists in Finland.

Army; Parolannummi.. OK He can sing. But i´m not into these "oldiestyleheavymetalsingers" Pitää olla säröä perkele :D
Windom Pearl said:
I don't know shit about it, I just read this from Imperiumi.

Your Jarkko? Odd, I really belive the Dreamtale guys wanted this "high&loud" style.

Yep, I´m sure. My Jarkkos thing happened like two years ago. They had no name then. Reputation, I mean.
The quitarrist sang a song to us, so we could get the picture of what kind of a vocalist they were looking for... and after that Jarkko didn´t even bother to try :lol:

I didn´t remember that Jarkko the cousin´s hair is so long now.
lumitalvi said:
Ei hyvin mee serkkupojalla.
Tai ehkä sillä nyt jo menee :lol:

Milloin menee hyvin? Mitä olis jos ei olis mitään? Minkä takia pidän oluesta? o_O