My custom ultra low-noise PC. (lots of cool pics inside)

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Hey gang,

I've been meaning to put this up for ages, and I finally got around to it.

Here's a little expose on my studio PC: I've tangled with computer noise for the last decade or so. I've built dog-houses, tried numerous cases, fans, and mostly, just lived with the noise to some degree or another.

My last setup was built around an Arctic Cooling Silentium T2 case, and while passable, still left something to be desired.

So, last fall, with a little extra time & money, I set out to build a truly low-noise PC. And I succeeded.

Here's my machine:


The case I went with was the Cooler Master Cosmos 1000. It's huge & looks like something in the engineering section on the Starship Enterprise. ...and the design is brilliant.



The brilliant thing about this design is is has levers to disengage the side panels. No more fumbling with screwdrivers. Notice the pyramid foam to cut down on the side-chatter as well.

The right side panel comes off for easy cable routing.

and the front door opens for access to the large drive bays.

A feature that's been long overdue. USB, audio & firewire ports that are easily accessible.

Finally, the insides: Airflow moves from the bottom of the case to the top. Heat rises, so it only makes sense. There is one main case fan in the bottom bringing in cool air & three at the top exhausting the hot air.
Power is supplied by an Enermax Modu 82+... it's fans are self contained & quiet as death. ...a great piece of equipment!

A closer look at the heatsink/fan arrangement. All stock fans have been swapped out for 120mm low rotation Nexus fans. Note the top two exhaust fans, a rear exhaust fan, and one mounted on the CPU heatsink, which is a Scythe Ninja. 6 heatpipes & frakkin' gigantic. It was a bit of a pain to mount, but once it's in place, it's not going anywhere. I picked this one on recommendation from several PC gearhead sites. The mounted fan is pretty much optional at this stage, but I figure, 'better safe than sorry.' I don't need my CPU melting down mid-session.

Instead of screw mounting the fans directly to the case, Nexus has come up with a rubber-grommet standoff mount. No direct contact with the case = less noise transferred. I've nicknamed them "gorilla snots" You just pull them through the holes & they snap into place. Bloody genius, IMO.

The Hard Drive cages also feature rubber grommet mounts.

And finally, the video system: An ATI Radeon 5850. Not only is this a great gaming card, it's also quiet as death. The cooling system was designed locally at the University of Windsor. Under the case is a heatpipe/heatsink arrangement, with the fan blowing air down the chamber. At full strength, the fan is about as loud as a dust-buster. But, due to the efficiency of the design, the fan never ramps up to any sort of noise-making level. Even after very long gaming sessions. (I play a lot of Bad Company 2 on this machine. The Charlie G rules!)

This machine is pretty much dead-quiet. I only hear the slightest hum from the fans. The downside of it all was having to add an Ebtech hum eliminator to my rack as I could hear all kinds of electical buzzing & nastiness coming from various components that I'd never heard before!

Feel free to post comments/questions.

Nice. It really looks like Coolermaster took a few pointers from the Antec P18x series of cases. The extra space must be great to work with, and the hard drive cages look awesome. Shame about the electrical buzzing. Do you think your PSU was leaking it into the AC line or some shit?

I had to remove a HDD cage to get the 5970 to fit!

No, the buzzing was coming from the onboard sound chip.... It's not precisely 'top of the line' ...and I use it only for games. But, it was enough noise to really piss me off! :)
Wow, it is damn beautiful. I want to know about price, and maybe some theories why that Ebtech is needed haha. The PC isn't causing any noise in the audio, is it?
That an awesome setup you have... I'm also looking to get a new setup myself and I'm starting to consider that coolmaster case you got.

I also have problems with a lot of electrical buzzing...only in my case it's not coming from my fact I have no idea where it's coming from. I've tried 2 different pods and had my pc and stereo system switched off and I still had noise. It wasn't as noticable with my EMG equipped guitar, but with passives it get really annoying.
I love the aesthetics, size and 25cm side fan of my 35-euro case



Combined with 14cm Evercool Scorpion (really quiet due to it's "Fluid Dynamic Bearing", which, instead of using a traditional ball bearing, uses a liquid compound in a sealed environment to keep the fan in motion without as much energy loss due to friction.)

To keep it really quiet I dropped the rpm from ~1300 to 800 with this

and to finish things off:

The PSU is a Fortron with a 12cm fan and while I can hear it, it's not to the point it bothers me.
that is possibly one of the few peecees that isnt so ugly it makes me want to vomit.
nice work glenn
What are those two assholes on the back of the case (3rd picture)?
Isn't water coolling quieter and more powerful than fans?

I had an Antec Aria case once that was silent as a ninja, but it was so small that it was a pain in the ass to reach stuff inside.
I'm a gamer as well as an engineer. ATI just happens to make outstanding video cards that are nearly silent.

As per the question about the rear grommets, yeah, it's for optional water cooling. Personally, I don't want water coming anywhere near my audio rig, so I went with air cooling.

And finally, the video system: An ATI Radeon 5850. Not only is this a great gaming card, it's also quiet as death. The cooling system was designed locally at the University of Windsor. Under the case is a heatpipe/heatsink arrangement, with the fan blowing air down the chamber. At full strength, the fan is about as loud as a dust-buster. But, due to the efficiency of the design, the fan never ramps up to any sort of noise-making level. Even after very long gaming sessions. (I play a lot of Bad Company 2 on this machine. The Charlie G rules!)

Haha, I planned to buy a 5850 but didn't do it because back then there was only that fan design available, and I just feared that it would have been way too loud (though I don't care that much about noise), so I just bought a 4870 for just 100€ and I'm still very happy :eek: ; cool to hear I've been proven wrong.
Since I got my super huge Lian Li case over 3 years ago, I NEVER ever want to get back to smaller cases.
I wanted to get a watercooling system next year but they're still so expensive, I think I'll rather save the money for an air conditioner.
Awesome, i also just built a low noise pc recently.

Not to hijack your thread but I'm having a problem with it going into suspend mode randomly and not resurrecting without shutting down. The really strange part is it doesnt do it at all when the case is open and next to my ac vent. Now i would suspect it overheating but the temp is normal when its away from the vent.. anybody have any idea??