My dream job...

Well after a "perfect interview, resume, and portfolio, experience that is more than what is needed" as well as "an amazing network with current clients". I didn't get the job. Even my supervisor was dumbfounded and couldn't believe that the person who beat me out got the position above me. My super told me that although he knew I would be perfect in that job, I was over qualified for it. To which I pointed out, that if I am over qualified for that position, than that means that I'm severely over qualified for the position I am in now.

So yeah... after doing everything perfect and being the perfect person for the job, I still lost out.

0 experience vs 6+ years experience...

The other funny thing: Once a year our company does an employee rating. The highest complaint (67%) they had is that The company didn't do enough to keep talented employees. I can say that this proves it.

Although I we weren't supposed to find out until tomorrow, my super knew that I would be devastated and let me know today. I'm glad he did because it really hit me harder than I thought it would.

Now, tomorrow I have to be an actress and pretend like I am happy for the person that got this position and act like I'm ok with it. Even though I really want to go down to the hiring person and rip her a new one...

Tonight, I dine on a glass of wine.

OMG That sucks so much ass. I'm so sorry. I've been fed that bullshit line before and it's all about 'who you know and who you blow' in companies like that. I'd use the over qualified argument and demand a huge raise. and I would be serious about it. I would totally chew out HR too.
I'd polish up my resume and look for another place of employment. Yelling at HR won't do you any good.

Chances are this person can be payed much less for the position, which is usually a huge deciding factor.

Sorry to hear all this. I've been in the same position, and it is not a fun feeling to have to "pretend" that you're not bothered by it. Sometimes I think working in an office would be a lot better if you could punch people when they do stupid stuff...

I don't know what field ya'll work in, but there's a saying in IT, "To move up, you have to move out." .. basically, in order to get a pay raise or a position change, you have to find another company. It sucks, but thats the way it is today. No Employee/Employer loyalty.
Damn... Thought this thread was going to be good news. So sorry to hear that the corporate world strikes again, Metal. Out of curiosity, did the person who got the position happen to be a male?

I hope that your wine was tasty.
Nah it was a woman.

Today at work was harder as I got to watch this girl run back and forth to HR (which is right across the aisle from us) and downstairs but "can't say anything". I could tell it was causing tension between us, so I pulled her aside and told her I knew and said, "Congrats".

So I've got plan B in action now and have given myself a time line of about 3-6 months to get things in action.

I'm doing better today, but was really hurt and pissed yesterday... still a bit today as well.. but you all know me, it takes a LOT to get and keep me down.
