I Just Quit My Job.


a prophet in cosmology
Feb 7, 2003
Mercer Island, WA
Finally. I'm starting a new job on Monday. I can't take the bullshit here any longer. Everyday, someone else has been "let go", and there are new people wandering around staring at us. Or there's some new policy implemented. My work has tripled in the past few months without a pay raise, and the new job starts off with what I make here. After four years, I've had enough.

I work Thursday and Sunday, then I'm gone. I'm leaving on good terms, and getting paid all of my vacation I have left (nearly two weeks) on my last check. I start Monday at a company doing background searches and verifications. Not extremely exciting, but I'm totally looking up everyone I know. Mwahaha.

I'm just nervous now. And scared. After four years, I've been sucked into this place and it's become my life. All the more reason to leave now, I suppose. My boss actually offered me a manager position if I would stay, but the stress is too much. Plus, at the new job for the first time EVER I will be working M-F 8-5. Like a normal person. Yay. Okay, back to being scared now.:erk:
Wow, sounds like a nice new start for you, Sammeh.

Earlier this year, my dad was let go from a job he'd been at since before I was born, where things were just going downhill and all, and it looked like a really precarious situation for all of us even though, like with your situation, he was let go on good terms and with a nice severence package and all that - and then almost immidietely he was offered a job with his previous company's biggest competators. The circumstances were crazy good and he got the job and things have been kind of looking up for us, so I hope this yields only the best for you, hon.
Good luck. :)

I just wish Walmart(i know) would call me back for orientation. They said they'd call monday or tuesday, and i'm getting impatient.
I think you made a good move with how much they've screwed with you these past few months. Here's to hoping your new job is one you'll enjoy. :)
Yeah, it sounds like you definitely made the right choice. Better get out now while you still have some of your "sanity" left.
good for you, sam!! i'd never heard you speak highly of that job. *does the happy quitting shitty jobs dance with you* :kickass:

i just put my 2 weeks notice in at the rec center...i really liked the job but texas summons me for a spell
You're lucky. I would love a normal job, but instead, i am STILL at the marriott waiting on rich people and serving them drinks. HEH 6 years of this crap. My time is coming SOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN ;)

SHOOT ME:loco:
Wal-Mart scarred me permanently. I'd rather be homeless than work there again. :p Try using the gov to help you find jobs maybe?