Cool Job Offer...


Brain Bubbled
Jun 2, 2004
So an old school friend contacted me today. Found out I did a little ambient music creation and photography via facebook.

So he calls me up, turns out he's a big DJ in Whistler now (whom EVEN I have heard of, just never knew the DJ to be him), offers me a job to start producing some music for him, as well as coming in and photographing his nights in the club. Turns out he's part of this production company that organizes raves, parties, club music, etc. and then the founder calls me up after Ken does, and sounds excited about asking me to come in and do the job.

WHAT?! Seriously, this is probably the most random job offer, yet something I've been looking for, for a very long time.

I'm pretty stoked, I go in to do some Promo shoots in a couple weeks once my shoulder heals up.
Hi Derick! :D

Getting laid isn't exactly my goal, Paul. That just happens, naturally.