this forum should have a sub: "job offers" 
anyway, I really need a new homepage, cause mine is incredibly obsolete.
It is rather urgent since I need a proper page to represent my studio.
I'm looking for someone to design and create my homepage, it needs to be professional (no empty promises please) and I'm willing to pay for it, unfortunately I can't afford to pay loads of money, but you wouldn't have to to it for free of course (I could also offer trades etc).
Whoever takes the job gets all the details etc but I must be sure that the job will be done within short (been waiting 6months for someone else to do it, now I really need a new page quick).
If interested hit me up on AIM or drop me a PM.

anyway, I really need a new homepage, cause mine is incredibly obsolete.
It is rather urgent since I need a proper page to represent my studio.
I'm looking for someone to design and create my homepage, it needs to be professional (no empty promises please) and I'm willing to pay for it, unfortunately I can't afford to pay loads of money, but you wouldn't have to to it for free of course (I could also offer trades etc).
Whoever takes the job gets all the details etc but I must be sure that the job will be done within short (been waiting 6months for someone else to do it, now I really need a new page quick).
If interested hit me up on AIM or drop me a PM.