My homepage is finally done (Audio Production & Graphic Design)


Austrian Blech Machine
Aug 21, 2009
Vienna, Austria
Hey dudes, just wanted to share this as I my homepage is FINALLY done.
It's more of a portfolio then a homepage though, to show my audio producion and graphic design work.
Check it out and tell me what you think!

For slow internets it may takes a bit to load, but I like it big and good looking so that's the price. I figured if the purpose is to stream mp3s that have a few mbs a big background shoudnt be too much of an issue.
Also a big screen doesn't hurt to get all of it, but it works on smaller ones too.


Coding done my MetalOverload, work with Antonio, he does a great job!
id change the design to something less ermz-y too ;-)
but it does look good.
I like the "regular H" logo better.
Site looks good, but I´m not sure about putting all texts in images or flash. Terrible for SEO.

Oh, and harpias are badass creatures, I was exepcting one with a very evil look somewhere : D
Thanks for the replies dudes! :rock:

Looks great but, no offense, I'm noticing a huge trend of people preeeetty closely ripping off the "Ermz" layout/theme/vibe.
id change the design to something less ermz-y too ;-)
but it does look good.

Thanks! No offense taken, I see were you are coming from, but that kind of portfolio-like layout isn't exactly something new. When I still had a personal myspacepage it looked pretty much the same:
mp3player, photoslideshow and some info.
I'm doing that kind of theme/vibe collage stuff since highschool too, and I've done quite a lot of designs in that fashion before also.
The reason why I like it like that isn't because of ripping off Ermz page, but that I always liked the layout and purpose of myspace. Without the myspace adds, friend stuff ect it's pretty much perfect for my stuff, compared to a real homepage were I'd have trouble filling it with infos. I also prefer scrolling to clicking on links and navigate through a homepage.

I'm telling Chiri :p

But you know I dig the page man!
HA! :lol: thanks man!

This is Amazing!
Thanks a lot!

I like the "regular H" logo better.
Site looks good, but I´m not sure about putting all texts in images or flash. Terrible for SEO.

Oh, and harpias are badass creatures, I was exepcting one with a very evil look somewhere : D
I like the bigger one more, that's why it's on the first page. The regular H looks kinda similar to the first version of my bands logo, so I kinda recyled it here, but I have allready seen it enough. That's why it's only the secondary logo :)
About SEO: I am aware of that, but I figured there's nothing major in the text to be found through search machines. Don't know how high the chances are that someone finds this through random googling for this services, if you know what I mean.
And yeah, they ARE badass creatures, but I went that way for my bands album so I tried something less specific for this version of the page. Maybe for future ones ;) Would attract more power metal bands I guess :lol:

I loathe scrolling through top banners/marquees. don't bore us; get to the chorus (content in this case).

Aww man, I have a big screen so it's not much scrolling for me. Also tried it on smaller screens, I thought it was bearable :lol:
fwiw: I think the only song I like that starts with the chorus is "emptiness unobstructed" ;)
But the big header was an issue I thought about, I decided to have one in the end
Would attract more power metal bands I guess :lol: