My dumbest metal idea yet.

Chairman Kaga

Jan 23, 2007
Los Angeles
One day me and a bunch of friends were really hungry cause we didn't have any food. Then my stomach growled.... then i noticed it sounded like a death metal growl. So then i was thinking, what if there was such a thing called Hungry Death Metal or something, where the singing is completely composed of stomach growls. The only way they could perform it live is that they'd have a bunch of really hungry guys with microphones on their stomach on stage. This could lead to something revolutionary in the metal world!:kickass:
One day me and a bunch of friends were really hungry cause we didn't have any food. Then my stomach growled.... then i noticed it sounded like a death metal growl. So then i was thinking, what if there was such a thing called Hungry Death Metal or something, where the singing is completely composed of stomach growls. The only way they could perform it live is that they'd have a bunch of really hungry guys with microphones on their stomach on stage. This could lead to something revolutionary in the metal world!:kickass:

Aren't you a teacher or something? :lol:
St Anger is great, now I can rant about how Metallica sucks anytime I want without having to deal with die-hard Metallica idiots trying to prove me wrong.

The worst they can say is "Well early Metallica rules!"
"Oh, you mean when Cliff and Dave were writing music for them?"
St Anger is great, now I can rant about how Metallica sucks anytime I want without having to deal with die-hard Metallica idiots trying to prove me wrong.

The worst they can say is "Well early Metallica rules!"
"Oh, you mean when Cliff and Dave were writing music for them?"

Dave wrote some music on their first album, but Cliff and Kirk didn't write anything on Kill em' All.

Cliff's writing was on Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets.
